Jonah by Author Vince Lane |A Story that will Touch you to Say the Least-Review

Jonah Book Cover by Vince Lane

Jonah Book Cover by Vince Lane

Disclosure:  I received a digital copy of “Jonah” in order to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own. This post contains an affiliate link, this means if you purchase from my link, I will receive a small commission based on your purchase.

Jonah by Author Vince Lane |A Story that will Touch you to Say the Least-Review

Although I have read many books in the past year, none has really touched my heart as this one.  The story of two women struggling by themselves when a man comes to the door.  They are dirt poor but offer to feed him and in exchange he does odd jobs around their homestead. When they find they like him, they offer him to continue to work for them.

After he is there they start to experience better times and what unfolds is a story that will leave you thinking afterward.  Set in the 1930s this story combines bad times with good outcomes in a small town in Louisiana during the great depression.

When tragedy and death enter into the equation concerning the ladies’ two husbands.  It is found that they were killed during a hit and run from a prominent towns-person.

Reading this book, although set over 80 years ago, it reminded me that when you least expect it, there is good amongst the bad.

I give this book 5 stars and a big thumbs up!

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About Vince Lane:Vince Lane

Vince Lane has been writing most of his life, he first began seriously writing literary material around 1980.  At the time, he was a musician, singer/songwriter, poet, and professional entertainer living and working in Los Angeles, California.

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As a writer, Vince Lane has always maintained an unabashed style, paying little if any attention to convention. Unlike many writers, he has never settled down into any particular genre having written sci-fi, horror, supernatural, literary, mystery, action-adventure, justice, and experimental fiction in iambic pentameter.

“I have enjoyed writing what I like, what I want, the way I want, and I stay true to that artistic freedom to this day.”- Vince Lane

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