#LetsTalkBums in the Outhouse

#LetsTalkBums in the Outhouse


#LetsTalkBums in the Outhouse

LetsTalkBums  Thank you to Cottonelle for sponsoring this post and keeping my bum clean, where ever I am! 

 I will have to say that this is the FIRST time I have spoken about Bums on the site. Let’s all face it, we all have one. It is important to feel clean where ever you are.

If you have ever went camping or had to use a porta-potty, you have to know exactly where I am coming from. When I was a kid we would go camping at my Uncle’s cabin. The only bathroom (if you want to call it that) was the outhouse. No running water, let alone anything more than extra thin 1 ply toilet paper. Using the outhouse always seemed to take more time for me;  between hurrying to get out of there, (I was always afraid a raccoon would bite my bum) and the toilet paper getting stuck in places I won’t mention, it was horrible. Don’t get me started on the smell.

Where was Cottenelle’s Fresh Care wipes when I needed them? Welcome to 2014 where you can feel fresh and clean. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you are covered! I have to admit, I still avoid outhouses or the porta-potty whenever I can, but with being older now, I can’t always hold it.  I am also happy that I no longer have to hold it with Cottonelle’s Clean Care toilet paper paired with their Fresh Care flushable wipes. It is important to feel fresh and clean wherever you are. You can also save $1.50 at your local CVS for your Cottonelle purchase.

You can purchase your Cottonelle pair at your local CVS using the coupon below, and never have to worry about your bum care again!


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