MBIntel Home Risk Analysis | Savings Code | Are you Safe?

MBIntel Home Risk Analysis

MBIntel Home Risk Analysis

MBIntel Home Risk Analysis | Savings Code | Are you Safe?

I had always felt safe in my home; up until a few years ago. ย I had happened to sleep in a bit during our kid’s spring break, which was rare. ย My husband had taken my son to baseball practice and I had dozed back off. ย Our bedroom is right off the kitchen, (where our backdoor is located) and I thought my husband was back; as all 4 dogs were barking (yet he had walked in, and they all calmed down). ย I happened to peer out of our bedroom door and a boy/guy was walking through our kitchen heading to the other end of our house. ย I think I froze as I wanted to ask him who he was, but our eyes met and he flew back out of our back door.

At that moment I became scared and no longer felt the safety I always have. ย I started second guessing myself, and the thought of having 4 dogs didn’t help me feel safe anymore. ย I wish I had been able to take this free quiz all of those years ago. ย It possibly would have prevented what happened that day. ย We live outside of town, and even then the town isn’t huge. ย I think what scared me most was that although nothing happened; it was the feeling of someone I didn’t invite in; it came in anyways.

After taking theย MBIntelย home risk analysisย I can see areas that we need to work on.

  • Being prepared for the unexpected.
  • We live in an older home; so it did not come with many outlets. ย So I am hoping to fix that in the near future.
  • Our fuse box like our home is older and needs to be updated also.

The great thing about the paid analysis ($29.95) is that you can get a detailed description of what things need to be worked on. You can see below what options the report gives you to share, save and go over items that need working on.


Readers can get their FREE Analysis! ย If they want to upgrade to the full version, it is $29.95 but through 4/30 they can save $10 with coupon code MomBuzz

Disclosure: This post was created in partnership with Mom Buzz Media.

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