Plagues of Eden Book Excerpt

Plagues of Eden Excerpt

Plagues of Eden Book Excerpt

Saturday, November 10, 2007, 6:14pm

Time Zone I 

It had all come down to these three days.

Within the space of seventy-two hours, the world would change. Twelve key government and industry players would be brought to their knees and would capitulate power. Every continent would be represented. These dozen could not imagine how their bright square of fabric would weave into the large quilt that would lead to a tipping point of resource redistribution. 

Shanlei understood the importance of story, of weaving together the narrative that would cause these mini- pharaohs to yield. Shanlei didnโ€™t remember who had first come up with the idea of recreating the ten plagues that the Western God had visited upon the Pharaoh of ancient Egypt–whether it was Savino Latorre himself, or one of his psychotic geniuses. But the triggers for each plague were in place.


And for those who refused to yield?

The countdown to the final plague: Death of the Firstborn.

The countdown clock had started now on the homepage of

The firstborn had seventy–two hours to live.

Perhaps the parents would each acquiesce in time. Shanlei secretly hoped not.

Tuesday would be a celebration, in any case.

Had the Western God felt this smug satisfaction, knowing that Pharaoh was going to refuse Mosesโ€™ demands,  making it open season?

It didnโ€™t matter. In less than three days, those players–in fact, the world–would be convinced.

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About the Authors:

Sharon Linnea is the author of the new mystery These Violent Delights as well as the four Eden thrillers, Chasing Eden, Beyond Eden, Treasure of Ede and the new Plagues of Eden. She has also written award-winning biographies of Raoul Wallenberg and Hawaiiโ€™s Princess Kaiulani. She lives outside New York City with her family.
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plague author 2B.K. Sherer holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Doctorate of Education from Oklahoma State University. A Presbyterian minister, she serves on active duty as a chaplain in the US Army, currently stationed at West Point. The authors first collaborated on a play about the French Underground for their sixth-grade talent show in Springfield, Missouri, and have been friends ever since.

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