Preparing For Baby No.2: How To Keep Baby No.1 Happy

Preparing For Baby No.2: How To Keep Baby No.1 Happy

Falling pregnant for the second time is arguably even more exciting than the first. After all, you now have the experience of how a son or daughter transforms your entire world. Likewise, you know that many of the fears you had the first time around were more than a little silly. Nonetheless, you will face one new issue: keeping the first born child happy.

The fact of the matter is that a little jealousy is natural, especially after baby no.2 arrives. That’s because your first baby has been used to commanding your undivided attention. Therefore, your job is to get big bro or sis excited. Here’s how.

Preparing For Baby No.2: How To Keep Baby No.1 Happy

Image source: Pixabay

  • Read bedtime stories about siblings, and how they have great adventures. When they fall in love with those characters, the whole idea of having a baby brother or sister will seem more exciting. Besides, this is a gentle way to teach and prepare them without going overboard to the point where they feel overawed by the life change.
  • Become a team. You are a family, and the new addition will complete it. Nonetheless, it’s important that baby no.1 knows they still have a vital role to play in the family dynamic. Include them when looking for clothes and other pregnancy products. Shop for t-shirts that help mommy, daddy, and baby celebrate the exciting news. When combined with a reassurance that your child’s new role in the family is set to be fun, many of those perceived problems should pass.
  • Encourage your first child to play an active role by suggesting baby names or discussing all the things that they can do to help their sibling. Of course, you’re probably not going to name baby no.2 after your son or daughter’s favorite superhero. Nonetheless, talking about the new arrival in a fun and exciting fashion can only have a positive impact on their behavior.

Preparing For Baby No.2: How To Keep Baby No.1 Happy

Image source: Pixabay

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  • Let baby no.1 become mommy’s little helper ASAP. Invest in a prenatal monitor at This way, parents, and child can listen to the new baby’s heartbeat in mommy’ tummy. Encourage your son or daughter to rub lotion on your tummy. As they develop that caring nature for the baby, their feelings of jealousy should fade. It also prepares them for helping out with simple tasks once the second child is here.
  • Refer to the baby no.2 as the first child’s baby brother or sister rather than the “new baby”. This will make the pregnancy feel a part of your child’s life. Meanwhile, buying a doll will get them used to the idea of caring for something else. This should allow you to help your eldest child see their new sibling as a friend rather than a rival.   

Even with these tips, you can expect moments of jealousy. Likewise, your eldest child may show signs of temporary regression in certain aspects of their development. This is normal. As long as you respond to those issues, you will be just fine.


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