Preparing Your Child for the First Day of Daycare

You are probably already aware that starting daycare can be a very stressful time for both your toddler and yourself. Some babies are quite adaptable and love daycare from the get-go. Others will cry every morning for weeks. 

That’s why it’s important to prepare for the first day of daycare well in advance of the actual day. This will ensure your baby will adapt faster and easier. Read on to see some tips on how to do so.

Give Lots of Cuddles and Physical Affection

The first thing that can help your toddler feel less anxious about separating from you is if you give lots of love, cuddles, and quality time to your toddler throughout the process.

Not only should you do this before they start daycare, but every day that they are in daycare, you should carve out some quality time with your baby. This will reassure them that you aren’t abandoning them by putting them in daycare and that you still love them immensely.

Tell Them about Daycare in Advance 

There’s no need to keep daycare a secret and then spring it on them the day before. That would be a bit too startling and confusing for them.

Start telling them about daycare and all of its fun activities well in advance. You can also get them excited about daycare by informing them of all the fun things they would get to do there, like making new friends, eating delicious snacks, napping, playing with new toys, reading stories, and more. 

In this manner, they will feel excited about the prospect of leaving you to go to a special place rather than feel like you are pushing them away. 

Establish a Solid Morning Routine a Few Weeks Beforehand

If you can start establishing a good morning routine for them a few weeks in advance, this will ensure they won’t feel groggy, cranky, and angry on their first day of daycare. 

Make sure that you also establish a good morning routine for yourself so you don’t transfer your anxiety and stress to your toddler because you feel rushed in the mornings. 

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Choose a Reliable and Reputable Daycare 

When picking a daycare, make sure to spend some time going through the new child care’s characteristics, reputation, and reviews. There are probably dozens of daycare options available to you, but you will want to choose one that’s best for your child and your wallet.

Looking for a great nursery and preschool in Gillingham, Medway – check it out by clicking the link.  

The First Day of Daycare Is a Special Time

Don’t forget to savor the first day of daycare for your toddler because before you know it, they are going to be all grown up and off to college. Time is fleeting, so even though it might be stressful for you to go through the process, realize that this too shall pass way too quickly. 

Keep browsing through related articles on our website to learn more about new child care. 

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