Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

Everyone has a new years goal in mind before the new year hits.ย  How about this year you decide to start with the inside of your car?ย  PRESTIGEPACย can be your go-to this year with their Vegan Leather Organizers.ย ย 100% vegan leather organizer, made to make any mess look luxurious.

Dislcosure:ย  I received a small, medium and large from PRESTIGEPAC in order to facilitate my review, all opinions are mine.

Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

PRESTIGEPACย on Kickstarter

First I want to tell you about their KickStarterย project.ย  You can visit their page here.

There are 37 days left as of this post (November 5, 2017).ย  PRESTIGEPAC is raising money to back their product and have various avenues that you can participate.

Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

You can pledge as low as $5 up to $149 or more. Each level offers you something special for participating. They come in 3 colors: light brown, dark brown and black. They also come in three sizes: small, medium and large.ย  When I received one of each size in the light brown they came in a flat box, all I had to do was put them together.ย  So they are easy to ship, (in case you order a few and would like to send them as gifts.)ย  Since they will not be shipped until after the holidays you can always wrap up a picture of the ones you choose to purchase so your giftee can see what they will be getting from you.

Organizing your Vehicle with PRESTIGEPAC

I always tell my husband it looks like he lives in our car.ย  I am now hoping these will help him become more organized and at least look like he is organized.ย  They are put together with the velcro that each piece has and are easy to put together and take back apart for easy storage if you need to.

Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

The bottoms have velcro so they will stay in place by sticking to the carpet in your trunk, in the back of your van or SUV.

See Also

Keep Your Car Organized with PRESTIGEPAC Vegan Leather Organizer

Help PRESTIGEPACย reach their goal by backing them with your pledge so you too can have an organized vehicle in the new year!

Find them below:

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Dislcosure:ย  I received a small, medium and large from PRESTIGEPAC in order to facilitate my review, all opinions are mine.

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