Quirky Date Night Ideas For Parents

Quirky Date Night Ideas For Parents

Most people wouldnโ€™t choose an indoor date where they donโ€™t leave the house. Letโ€™s be fair, here, thereโ€™s nothing more fun than dressing up and going out on the town with someone who loves you. Getting glammed up and seeing a new show in the theatre is romantic, especially when itโ€™s rounded off with a few cocktails or glasses of wine before being walked home. The thing is, when you become parents, youโ€™ve got to get a little creative with your dates. Thereโ€™s something beautiful about still wanting to date after youโ€™re married and after youโ€™ve become parents, even if you are stuck doing the indoor dates that you previously avoided.

Itโ€™s not always easy to plan romance around the full-on life of children, work, and friends. Donโ€™t worry, though, your relationship isnโ€™t doomed for all eternity โ€“ not in the slightest. You also donโ€™t have to wait until the kids have grown up to enjoy a date night; itโ€™s just a question of expanding your horizons a little and being okay with being at home and dating your partner. So, weโ€™ve done all the hard work for you and found you all the best ideas for a fantastic indoor date night!

Quirky Date Night Ideas For Parents

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Late Dinner. Once the kids are in bed, itโ€™s time to play a game, and not in the style of John Kramer. Each week, one of you should pick an international cuisine and cook for each other. The aim of the game is to choose things that youโ€™ve never eaten before. Not only will you get the chance to try something completely new, youโ€™ll get to spark some interesting conversation about the places youโ€™d love to visit. Those conversations where you build castles in the sky together are the stuff of family legend, especially if they all come true!

Movie Night. When you have a great internet package that includes Netflix fromย www.suddenlink.com, it makes sense that you would take advantage and take turns choosing movies on movie night. The person who chooses the film is not the person who chooses or makes the snacks, though! Whoever doesnโ€™t pick the film is in charge of preparing the nibbles for the film. Grab a thick blanket and snuggle down together while the children are in bed. You could even go one better and have a movie night in the garden with a movie projector!

Quirky Date Night Ideas For Parents

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Backyard Picnic. Itโ€™s a beautiful summer evening, the children are sleeping and youโ€™re peckish. Prepare a delicious picnic of finger foods and light citrus candles to keep the midges away from you while you eat! Heading to the great outdoors can be as nearby as your back garden and if you have a pair of great Bluetooth speakers, you can add a little music to your evening. Slow dance by moonlight, anyone?

Inner Child. Sometimes, date night has to be seasonal. Winter brings snow for a lot of places so heading outdoors for a snowball fight and a snowman building session can bring out your inner child and be the most hilarious, memorable evening of your lives. In the summer, if you are lucky enough to have a pool, you could take a night time swim. You can even hire a hot tub for your garden so that you can enjoy each otherโ€™s company among the bubbles. Embrace your inner child and choose activities that give you a chance to reconnect while playing with Playdoh.

Ready, Set, Bake. Youโ€™ve either seen or heard of Bake Off, and if you havenโ€™t you need to get Googling. Baking together can be so much fun and whipping up a special dessert or set of cupcakes is a good way to connect with each other and have a giggle while you work. Try and refrain from flour fights, though, as youโ€™ll be the ones clearing it up afterward.

Dance Party. Dancing out the stresses of the day with your earphones in is fun, but dancing together can be far more fun and a great way to burn off any excess stress from work. You donโ€™t even have to slow dance; get a little crazy and dance like no one is watching. Itโ€™s just the two of you, anyway, so why would you care what you look like?

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Quirky Date Night Ideas For Parents

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Stargaze. Itโ€™s a clear night and the kids are asleep. Head outside with a pile of blankets and get all the lights down low. Lay on the ground with your heads close to each other and look into the night sky. Youโ€™d be surprised how many stars you could see when the lights are off and thereโ€™s no pollution when you gaze upward. See how many constellations you can spot and have a conversation about what else could be out there; it could take you to some interesting places!

Build Castles In The Sky. We mentioned discussing the future over dinner, but why not create a mood board together? Youโ€™re a couple, you have life goals that you share (or you wouldnโ€™t be a couple!) and so it makes sense that you may have the same dreams that you would love to articulate together. Be bold and get your scissors and glue ready. Building castles in the sky means creating a dream world for your family but thereโ€™s nothing to say that your dreams wonโ€™t come true, right?

Love Nest. Lastly, to recreate a spark in your relationship (or hot up one that had never left), create a love nest in your bedroom. Break out the candles, the rose petals, the perfume and get a little romantic. There isnโ€™t anything wrong with showing a lot of love to your partner. Pretend youโ€™re on a lovely weekend in a cottage somewhere and hope the kids donโ€™t wake up and interrupt you!

Date night doesnโ€™t have to be an adventure outside of the home if you arenโ€™t able to go out. Keeping that spark alive, though, is so important for your future. Let loveโ€™s light stay lit and test out a few of these ideas!

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