-#SecondHug While Experiencing Firsts|Huggies Little Snugglers|Natural Care

huggies little snugglers

Huggies Little Snugglers and Huggies Fresh Care wipes are a great duo when it comes to taking care of your baby.

When my grandson was born I sat and thought of all of the firsts that we would enjoy during his first year of his life and for years to come. ย The wonderful part of this is all of his firsts that occurred were while wearing his Huggies Little Snugglers.huggies little snugglers and huggies natural care wipes

Some of his firsts include sleeping in his crib, crawling, pulling himself up and now walking. Huggies Fresh Care wipes also help to keep his diaper area clean and we don’t have any worries about him having any reaction to their ingredients. ย Since he has become more active they also come in handy after he has played, or when he eats on the go. Those times when you can’t put him right into the bathtub but have wanted to keep him looking fresh.

Huggies Little Snugglers & Fresh Care Wipes

Keeping Zakary dry has been easy with Huggies Little Snugglers, along with their Fresh Care wipes. Some of his other firsts have been his visit to Santa. ย Catching his look of awe while looking into Santa’s eyes made me remember back to the magic I felt as a child.

Enjoy the #SecondHug While Experiencing Firsts with Huggies

Before the birthday boy’s cake was his first time opening his birthday presents. ย He did have some practice at Christmas time, but at times like these, we create memories and have many reasons for that #SecondHug and ย more.

Huggies Fresh Care Wipes

With Zakary being born in April of 2015 this year was his first year to be able to be outside and swing on his new swing. ย The thing about Huggies Natural Care wipes is that we never have any worries about keeping him clean after playing outside.

Huggies Natural Care Wipes

One of my last ‘firsts’ but obviously not the end of his firsts because as we know they last a lifetime, isย his first haircut! ย We always want to document these precious times with photos to look back on since these are what memories are made of.

When shopping Sam’s Club you will find it is a convenient place to purchase any of your Huggies Little Snuggler needs and Huggies Fresh Care wipes. ย They are easy to find even with their vast amount ofย shopping area and a selection you can’t beat. ย Becoming a Sam’s Club member, if you are not already, has many great perks also. ย If visiting Sam’s Club is harder for you to do you can order online and that is just one of Sam’s many benefits. ย Also with this choice, you can have them arrive on a monthly basis so this way you don’t have to remember to order. This is an incredible service since it is not always easy to get to our Sam’s Club.

See Also

I am also happy to let you know that Huggies is offering:

“During the campaign, buy any two Huggies Little Snugglers diapers and/or Natural Care wipes and get a $10 Samโ€™s Club e-gift card by following the below instructions:

  • Buy any two packages of Little Snugglers diapers and/or Natural Care wipes between 5/9/16-6/30/16
  • Snap a photo of your receipt and email/text it to [email protected] by 7/15/16
  • You will receive a code and instructions within minutes to get your $10 Samโ€™s Club e-gift card
  • You will also get $3 in instant savings off Huggies Diapers at Samโ€™s Club from 5/11-6/4



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