Should my Baby use a Pacifier?

Should my baby use a pacifier

Whether you are expecting or have just welcomed your new baby into the world, chances are you have heard of pacifiers. Also known as binkys or soothers, pacifiers are small devices that resemble the shape of a nipple and are designed to soothe babies when they feel distressed or uncomfortable, usually during sleep or while being fed. But when should your baby use a pacifier? We explain everything here, including how to properly introduce it to your baby and how to get rid of it if necessary!

When is a pacifier necessary?

Pacifiers are fantastic for helping babies self-soothe. When theyโ€™re teething, they can provide instant relief; when theyโ€™re colicky, pacifiers can be used to calm them down enough so you can get some sleep. However, it is not recommended that you keep your child on a pacifier indefinitely. Pacifiers become less effective over time if theyโ€™re used as an all-the-time solution for everything. If your baby is crying but seems otherwise healthy and happyโ€”take him out of his seat and comfort him yourself instead of handing him his binky right away. Use infant swaddles to make him feel snuggly while holding him up to your chest. The closer he is to you, the more comforted he will feel.ย 

When Is it Appropriate to Give a Baby a Pacifier?

Itโ€™s easy to see why babies are given pacifiers. They are cute, harmless-looking little devices that help newborns calm down when they are feeling fussy or upset. At first glance, it seems like any parent would be happy to provide one for their child. However, when is it appropriate to give a baby a pacifier, and how does using one impact breastfeeding and bottle feeding? By taking some time to consider these questions before using a binky with your infant, you can avoid potential problems down the road and ensure that your child has access to all of his needs for comfort during his earliest days at home.

How Do I Know If My Baby Needs a Pacifier?

This is one of those cases where youโ€™ll know it when you see it. If your little one is very upset, crying inconsolably, or canโ€™t calm herself down, using one of these silicone pacifiers may help alleviate her pain and provide comfort. However, keep in mind that some babies donโ€™t like to use them and there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to when they should start. Talk with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about when your baby needs a pacifier. He will guide you based on what he thinks is best for your child at that time.

See Also

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states that there is no convincing evidence that pacifiers cause any harm, but they also do not support their widespread use. So what should you do? Itโ€™s ultimately up to you and your family to decide whether or not your child needs a pacifier, but be sure to make an informed decision.

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