Should You Read Your Child’s Texts? Teens And Privacy


You find yourself quietly occupied one evening when a nearby phone vibrates, announcing the arrival of a text message. You make out the words “What’s up?” on the notification bar, only it’s not your phone, it belongs to your kid. Do you open the message and reply? Perhaps sneak a peek at the screen and see who’s lurking at this time of the night? If you’ve firmly decided to read or not to read your kid’s texts, good for you! However, if the dilemma stirs a mix of conflicting emotions, self-justification, and guilt, we’re here to assist.

Should I Read My Child’s Text Messages?

The question of whether to read your child’s text messages is commonplace among today’s parents. If you’re undecided, consider these 4 reasons:

  • Bullying – Back in the day, bullying was restricted to the schoolyard. However, times have changed. Now, kids engage in bullying through text messages and social media. If you suspect that your child might be a victim of bullying, it may be prudent to take a look at their texts.
  • Safeguarding sensitive information – Even if your child excels academically, they may not display the same brilliance in their digital interactions. Kids often overlook the importance of keeping personal information private. They might unknowingly expose themselves to potential harm by responding to spam texts and disclosing private information.
  • Sexting – Is your child a teen? Uncomfortable as it may be, you should be aware of the possibility that they’re sexting. Whether they’re engaging in risque chats or sharing inappropriate photos, it’s crucial to be aware so you can intervene.
  • Self-harm – When it comes to self-harm or suicide, kids seldom share their thoughts with their parents. In such cases, reading their texts can give valuable insights into their state of mind.

How to See My Child’s Text Messages Without Them Knowing

How can I see my child’s text messages without them knowing? If this is a question that keeps you up at night, you might want to consider a comprehensive parental control app like uMobix.

uMobix in Evaluation

uMobix is a popular phone monitoring and parental spy app based in London. Despite its recent establishment, it has attracted a large user base thanks to its comprehensive set of phone monitoring features and swift 5-minute setup.

Unlike most other spy apps, you can use uMobix to monitor your child’s device without having to root or jailbreak it. For reference, jailbreaking is when you remove restrictions set by the device manufacturers to prevent unauthorized access to the device’s important parts and the owner’s info. Though jailbreaking helps monitoring apps work better, it exposes the phone to a host of security threats.

uMobix operates stealthily, which means you could use the app to read your child’s text messages without them knowing. They offer a free trial (requested via live chat) and a free demo on their website. Additionally, if you cancel your subscription within 14 days of purchase, you can receive a full refund, ensuring your money is secure.

How Does uMobix Work?

uMobix is one of the best spy apps for Android as well as iPhones. It offers real-time phone monitoring and features far beyond just accessing their texts, all while keeping your actions of espionage completely undetectable. How can I read my child’s text messages, you ask? Here’s how to achieve this using uMobix:

  1. Visit the uMobix website, register, and purchase a subscription.
  2. Install uMobix on your child’s Android phone or provide their Apple ID and password to track them via iCloud.
  3. Visit your online account and wait for their data to begin streaming in.

uMobix Features

  1. Text monitoring – uMobix gives you unfettered access to all your child’s text messaging correspondence.
  2. Call logs – This tool lets you keep tabs on your child’s incoming, outgoing, missed, and deleted call records, with durations and timestamps.
  3. Location tracking – The app offers a nifty location tracking feature that lets you know your child’s exact location and track their movements.
  4. Social media tracking – uMobix allows you access to your child’s social media accounts, letting you know who they’re in constant contact with.
  5. Remote control – With this app, you can restrict access to some of your child’s phone’s functions and apps to prevent their malicious use.
  1. Monitor surroundings – uMobix allows you to listen to ambient sound using your kid’s phone’s microphone and even take photo or video snapshots with their camera.

uMobix Pros And Cons

Here is a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing uMobix.


  • Helps you supervise your child’s app usage and screen time
  • Can take remote control of the device, e.g., to remove unwanted apps
  • Monitors various social media platforms and popular dating apps
  • Can locate the target device accurately in real-time
  • Provides access to all messages and call logs
  • Legit and safe


  • The geofencing feature is not provided
  • Installing on iOS devices can be a bit challenging


uMobix exclusively functions as a mobile tracking application, currently supporting Android and iOS devices, including tablets. Let’s explore its compatibility with these operating systems.


Tracking Android with uMobix provides full access to all features without any exceptions. This is crucial as certain features, like app deletion or website blocking, are exclusive to Android.

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uMobix is compatible with all iOS devices, such as iPhones and iPads. However, some features present on Android, like Snapchat tracking or viewing deleted messages and calls are unavailable on iOS.

How Does uMobix Fare Against Other Top Spy Apps?

If you’re uncertain about uMobix as the ideal phone tracking app for you, here’s a brief comparison with some of its competitors. Examine their prices and refund policies to make an informed decision.

Spy App Monthly Price Annual Price Devices Tracked/Subscription Money-Back Guarantee Full access to FB and IG on iOS Live chat 24/7 Jailbreak/rooting required Free trial/Demo
uMobix $49.99 $12.49 1 14 days Yes Yes No Yes/Yes
mSpy $48.99 $11.66 1 14 days No Yes Yes No/Yes
Cocospy $39.99 $33.33 25 60 days No No No No/Yes
XNSpy $35.99 $7.49 1 10 days No Yes Yes No/Yes
iKeyMonitor $16.66 N/A 1 30 days No No Yes Yes/Yes


Nowadays, children as young as 11 own smartphones, which exposes them to a host of dangers in the digital realm. What’s more, teenagers are notorious for hiding things from their parents. Though frowned upon, monitoring your child’s texts may be the only way to safeguard them from such dangers.


However, once your kid finds out you’re monitoring them, it may sour your relationship. Moreover, it may be illegal in some states, so adhere to the laws in your jurisdiction. Fortunately, you can employ paid or free apps to see your child’s text messages without them knowing, essentially killing two birds with one stone. One such app is the budget-friendly and well-equipped uMobix app.

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