Supporting Your Loved Ones Through Grief

Supporting Your Loved Ones

At some point in our lives, everyone experiences some sort of grief. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a heartbreak or some other kind of trauma, these things that you can experience are entirely out of your control. This means that when one of your loved ones is experiencing something that causes them pain, you want to be there to try and help and support them. It is not always possible to do much for them, but here are a few small things that you could do to support your loved one in their time of need:

Be there to listen

Sometimes people just want someone who is going to listen to them so that they can vent out all of their thoughts. They might not want you to compare their situation to anything that you have been through, and they may not want to hear any advice. They might just want you to be there to listen or to sit with them. The company will mean a lot and show them that you are there for them.ย 

Ensure your loved one is eating

Experiencing any grief can be shocking to the system. People can find it challenging to eat and do other simple everyday tasks. To be of help you could cook your loved one small meals, or if they wonโ€™t eat full meals, ensure that they have lots of snacky foods in the house. If they do not feel like they can eat a full meal, they might be able to eat a few smaller things that will keep them going.

Stay in contact

It may be tempting you give your loved one some space when they are grieving, and some people may want that, but it is a good idea to stay in touch. You do not need to visit or call every day, but sending them a quick message so that they know someone is thinking about them can be very helpful. Reaching out to them might be what they need so that they can ask for your help or your company. You donโ€™t want them to feel like they are going through this alone.ย 

Find support services

See Also
whatutalkingboutwillis .com

If you think your loved one needs more support, or you are worried about them feeling isolated, try to find some groups or support services that can help them. There may be groups that your loved one can attend so that they know they arenโ€™t going through this alone or if you are worried they arenโ€™t coping you could help them to find a trauma therapy program that could help them.ย 

Look after yourself

It can be tempting to take on as much as you possibly can to help your friend or family member, but you need to make sure that you leave time to look after yourself. Supporting others can start to take its toll if you do not make a conscious effort to take care of your mental health. To be able to help others properly, you need to look after yourself so that you do not burn out. If you burn out, you wonโ€™t be any use to them or yourself.


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