THC Dosage Guide: How Much Is Good To Take?

Whether you’re new to the world of marijuana or you’ve been using it for years, it’s essential to get your THC edible products dosage just right. Otherwise, you could accidentally end up more intoxicated than you had planned or even sick! THC products are used for a variety of reasons. For example, some people use THC products to help with pain relief or ease anxiety symptoms. THC products can also be used to improve appetite or to help with sleep. For example, Delta 9 products are a type of THC product that is designed for medical use. They are typically high in THC and low in CBD, which makes them more effective for certain medical conditions.

And, while you can’t technically overdose on marijuana, you absolutely can take too much. This brings on a variety of unpleasant and even scary symptoms that are best left unexplored.

Read on to learn all about how much THC you should take to guarantee desirable results without any danger or discomfort.

Proper THC Dosage – The Basics

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the amount of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana is on the rise. This means that users need smaller doses to attain their desired effects.

Whether you’re hoping to cash in on the big health benefits of THC or just get high, this is great news for you as a consumer! Just keep in mind that THC concentrations are often far higher in manufactured products like edibles and extracts, so you’ll want to use these more sparingly than you would plain old marijuana.

Understanding How Edibles Work

While some methods for using THC, like smoking and vaping, deliver nearly instant results, other products like edibles take far longer to kick in because you have to wait for the body to digest them.

This means that you’ll need to wait at least 90 minutes after your initial dose before taking more. Otherwise, you run the risk of both doses hitting you at the same time, potentially delivering a powerful high and staggering side effects.

Start Small

Before using any THC product, carefully read its label. You should see dosage instructions clearly listed.

Most of the time, you’ll want to start with an extremely small dose, for example, 5mg. If, after waiting for the appropriate amount of time, you don’t feel the effects that you’re after, you can always take a bit more.

For the flower, concentrates, and other products, you’ll want to discuss dosage with your local budtender – or check the manufacturer’s website for how much to use. And, if you’re not sure of the exact amount, start with just a tiny puff or two, using the same philosophy.

See Also

You can always take more THC, but once it’s ingested, you can’t take it away!

If you’re focused on health benefits rather than getting high, opt for a low dose that combines THC with other cannabinoids like CBD. You can also try something like these delta 9 gummies for a full spectrum experience. 

Give THC a Try

Now that you know a bit more about proper THC dosage, you’re ready to give it a try. Just remember, you should always start with a small amount. Then, wait for your THC to kick in before taking more.

You should try all new products at home before using them in public. And, don’t forget to store all THC well out of the reach of kids and pets!

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