The 3 Self-Defense Essentials Everybody Should Know

The world is mainly a safe place, and we can freely move about without too much worry. However, there are times and places in which things are not so safe. There could be danger lurking and just waiting for a vulnerable person to show up to be taken advantage of.

This means that it is crucial to know how to protect yourself. Self-defense is a skill that you will hopefully never need to use, but you have it ingrained in you so you can use it when needed. In this article, we will go over some of the essentials that you need to know.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Wherever you go, there could be a nasty surprise waiting for you. You should always try to put yourself in a position in which you are protected no matter what the setting is. For instance, if you were to go to an open-air concert, then you will want to wear some body armor in case there is an active shooter situation. What kind depends on a lot of factors, so do a search for “what size plate carrier do I need” to find out.

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Then, make sure to look around for areas where a threat could arrive. Be prepared for anything. If you are at that concert, look for the areas where you can take cover and also position yourself to exit as quickly as possible.

If you are walking in a city, then check out areas where there could be danger lurking and find stores or businesses that you could duck into if you feel threatened.

Train With a Weapon

Having a type of weapon on you is a big responsibility. If you were to need to use it, you could hurt yourself and even some innocent bystanders if you don’t properly know how to use it. This means that whatever weapon you plan to have, you should be well versed in using it.

This is especially true if your weapon of choice is a gun. Make sure to talk to a firearms trainer to make sure that you are buying a gun that is most suited to your needs. Then take some lessons on how to properly use it to minimize the risk of it injuring you or somebody else unintentionally.

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Try Disengaging Techniques

Prevention is the best medicine, so if you can do what’s necessary to remove a threat before it escalates, then this is your best option. Look for ways to disengage the attacker by removing yourself from the situation. Or, if it is unavoidable, try to remove their weapon from them before they can use it.

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Do some training in martial arts with a focus on how to grapple with an attacker to get a weapon away from them. At the same time, you should have lots of practice in how to break free from being grabbed. You should be able to avoid choke holds and other forms of being immobilized.

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