The Importance of ADA-Compliant Door Signage



Americans with Disabilities Act known as ADA is an important document that regulates a lot of important factors that are intended to exclude discrimination against individuals with impairments. These standards were invented to make sure every person, regardless of their disabilities, will be able to enjoy equal opportunities and quality services everywhere. That’s why ADA includes numerous areas, including employment requirements, communications, the transportation sector, and many others.

The arrangement of public accommodations and places falls into the jurisdiction of this act. That’s why managers of hotels, restaurants, offices, zoos, amusement parks, medical facilities, and education facilities are responsible for creating an ADA-compliant space. ADA room name signs from Bsign are one of the solutions through which this compliance is achieved. Let’s take a closer look at this aspect from both legal and ethical perspectives.

Correspondence to Legal Requirements

The major purpose of ADA-compliant door plates is to ensure equal accessibility to public places for everyone. Thanks to this, individuals with disabilities won’t feel discriminated against because of their inability to access certain goods and services. The complex requirements for such directional elements are extended and should be studied by professionals. Let’s explore just the basic requirements, following which your space won’t face any legal issues:

  • Compliance with the standards is mandatory for plates located on the doors of permanent premises, including elevators, restrooms, entries, exits, and others.
  • Both visual and tactile elements must be applied to such plaques. If this is impossible to ensure on one plate, an additional plate with tactile elements must be provided.
  • Pictograms should be raised and adhere to the standard sizes while being internationally recognizable and understandable.


  • Raised characters should be uppercase, and they should be raised at least 0.8 mm from the background plate.
  • Extensive decoration, the use of italic, oblique, and script fonts is forbidden on such signs.

Despite such strict regulations, the act also includes certain exceptions regarding the use of ADA-compliant door signs. These are the following:

See Also

  • Menus, company nameplates, brand plates, and plaques for temporary premises (meeting rooms, dining rooms, conference rooms, etc) aren’t required to follow the regulations.
  • In parking facilities, signs shall not be required to comply with the respective regulations.
  • ADA articles don’t regulate the standards for signs used for 7 days or less.

Ensuring Inclusive Space for Everyone

As you see, not all door plates within your facility should strictly adhere to legal regulations. However, what contributes to the business image today is not just the adherence to the law but their willingness to be inclusive for everyone regardless of other aspects.


That’s why we suggest that you should use ADA-compliant signs even for places, where this isn’t obligatory, including meeting and conference rooms, halls, nameplates, menus, and others. If you celebrate inclusivity, your customers will elevate your business reputation.

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