Things to Consider Before Drilling a Water Well

Drilling a Water Well

Having proper access to your water via a well for your personal use or your community seems like a good idea but it is much more complicated than getting a shovel and digging a hole in the ground.

You canโ€™t find detailed underground maps for the presence of water but thanks to geological research thereโ€™s a lot of information available that can make it easier. Groundwater is always moving and does not stay underground forever nor does it stay in one place and knowing the condition of the water underneath is important for the success of the well. This article will help you understand how you can determine a place fit for your very own new water well.

Geography Matters

An area that consists of a water table at a higher level surrounded by sandy soil can make for a good well once it is pounded into the earth. High-quality well pumps Orlando are mostly famous for their functioning throughout the year especially in a muddy area with the more solidified ground.

You need to figure out how far you are well is from the nearest lake or a larger water source and what kind of an aquifer it forms. An aquifer is a collection of permeable rocks and pebbles underground that can produce good amounts of water once theyโ€™ve been tapped (or in this case, stimulated with the threshold of the water well).

You will mostly find confined and unconfined aquifers. Unconfined aquifers take less work to drill into and are comparatively inexpensive as well because working with them is easier. Confine aquifers require breaking through hard rocks to get to a proper water supply and hence, harder to work with.

Quality and Contamination

It is a myth that groundwater is free of any contamination. Minerals, bacteria, microorganisms occur naturally in underground water as well. The constituents of water keep changing as the water passes through different stages in the hydrologic cycle. One of the most significant changes in the chemistry of the water (which also tends to alter its taste) takes place in the soil. Water may absorb or deposit substances throughout its course as it flows from one place to another. It all depends on the kind of soil or rocks are present which is why the taste of the water differs in different wells

High bicarbonate and iron content of the water can not only make taste salty but also cause frequent rusting of the supply line and fixtures. Have a team of professionals test the water out for you in the surrounding area before you make any further plans of digging a well.

Legal Issues

Before drilling make sure you acquire a permit through proper channels or contact your contractor if any legal requirements need to be taken care of.


When youโ€™ve selected the area where you want to dig your well, you must gather more information about it before hiring a contractor. Try finding out the types of wells that have already been dug around the area and ideally, how deep they are. If there is a reservoir nearby and you also see multiple wells around, chances are that the preexisting wells are already overdrawing the supply towards themselves thereby making the water bed go lower and lower. Talk to as many people as you can, taste the water and check the results. This will give you a rough idea of what to expect even though your results can vary.ย 

Talk to the neighbors around your area and see if you can get a record out to check the production of their well and if there is no record, check any abandoned wells and see if you can determine the flow rate of the well by counting the number of buckets it can fill in a minute. Find out how much time it takes to empty the well and for the well to refill itself after the water has been drawn from it. These bits of information should be enough to help you decide if you should finalize this place or not.ย 

Two Pumps Instead Of One

Many Well owners have electric pumps installed that automatically take the water out from the well with ease whenever needed. In case of a power shortage during a storm or other emergencies, you wonโ€™t be able to draw out water from an electric pump. While you can figure out a way to store large quantities of water to be used for emergencies it is much more convenient and efficient to simply install a manually operated pump.

See Also

A Well is only as good as the contractor

Youโ€™re putting good money into drilling a private well and it must go well. One of the most important decisions you need to make regarding Well drilling is the contractor you want to hire. They should not only be trained and responsible but should have years of experience so they can guide you better if youโ€™re ever making a mistake.

Such contractors have all the necessary theoretical and hands-on knowledge of everything well related and can not only make your work easier for you but they can tackle any problem easily should the need ever arise.

Well Maintenance

As time passes by water wells require more and more care. It is necessary to ensure that the flow rate is not decreasing. A decrease in flow rate can also be the result of the lowering of the water bed cause either by over pumping or drought. Common methods used to rehabilitate pumping water well in situations where it is being blocked by physical barriers is to stop pumping and adding chemicals that will successfully dissolve the hindering materials or to physically get the well cleaned. You can use a brush, hydrofracturing, well surging and high pressure jetting to get the best results.

Water quality is also continuously changing and without regular testing, you can never be sure. It is important to check for any E. coli bacteria infestation in the water followed by laboratory testing of the pH levels of the water every two years. If you ever notice any obvious change in smell or taste, call professionals for immediate testing. Make sure that every time you get anything tested, save the reports, you might need them in the future.


Digging a well isnโ€™t as easy as it sounds nor is it a quick process. Make sure to do proper research and have a trusted professional to guide and help you at all times.

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