Unseen Release Day Blast and Review


Unseen Release

Unseen Release Day Blast and Review

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Mackenzie Day constantly struggles to silence the voices in her head. The inner thoughts of those around her intrude upon every aspect of her life, threatening to turn it into chaos.

All her life, she thought she was alone as a mind reader–a freak.

Then a member of a secret organization called The Unseen suddenly introduces himself, and she’s immersed in a world she never knew existed. They teach her to hone her skills as a reader, but to what end? Secrets surround her, humming just out of reach, filling her with questions.

Who are they? What do they do with their mind-reading abilities? In the end, just how far will Mackenzie go to be part of The Unseen?

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About the author:

Unseen Release -Stephanie EricksonStephanie Erickson has always had a passion for the written word. She pursued her love of literature at Flagler College, in St. Augustine, FL, where she graduated with a BA in English. She has received several honors in her writing career, including recognition in the 72nd Annual Writer’s Digest Competition.

After graduation, she married and followed her husband in pursuit of his dream. The Cure and The Blackout were written to reignite Stephanie’s passion, when she found the time. Now that he is settled in his career, it’s her turn to devote more time and energy into writing.

Stephanie currently has 3 projects planned for 2015. Her upcoming release is well underway and is slated for a March 2015 publication date.

Stephanie, of course, loves to read and write. She also enjoys living on the beach on the Florida’s Treasure Coast. Most of all, she and her husband are in love with their baby girl.

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My Review:

I have always thought it would be so neat to be able to read people’s minds.  That is until I started reading “Unseen” by Stephanie Erickson.  To be able to read people’s minds, thoughts; has always seemed like it would be so helpful, but I never thought about being in a room of people and having to hear all of their thoughts at one time.  This is what Mackenzie deals with on a daily basis; and she has for all of her life.

At the age of five, Mackenzie Day was misdiagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder. To help tone down the loud noises crowding her head, she was given an iLs device (Integrated Listening System). This device back then resembled much like a walk man with headphones; then later an iPod with earbuds.  Her major in college was music and as a natural progression, she chose Music Therapy for her advanced degree.

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Mackenzie’s best friend is Maddie.  Maddie knows everything about Mackenzie except the big elephant in the room.  However, she does know that Mac has an uncanny ability to know what others are thinking.

This book was very easy to enjoy, since the storyline  is so well-written. With many twists and turns the novel changes dramatically, shedding light on  Mac’s journey and everything that comes along with it.

Decision time occurs when Mac is offered a worthwhile job in her chosen field. She is faced with a big life-altering choice at this time as she also meets a member of the Unseen. The big question is whether or not one would sacrifice a lifetime dream for an opportunity to hone an undeveloped skill. You will want to read this book (and try not to read it all in one night; I dare you).

Due to the fact that this is the first book in the trilogy; expect for the ending of book 1 to keep you looking forward to book 2.

I recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a bit of romance along great mystery! Wonderful job to Stephanie Erickson! Enjoy being a part of the “Unseen release” with the giveaway and my review!


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