Use of Seat Belts on School Buses?
Use of Seat Belts on School Buses?
I know this question will differ person to person, state to state but it is something that I have thought about more than once. In our school district our buses have seat belts. In our New York State Law it requires any person under the age of 16 to wear a seat belt while riding in the back seat of a vehicle. Any person regardless of age is to wear a seat belt if they sit in the front seat. So why when our school buses are equipped with seat belts does New York State Law not make this a rule also?
When I was in school, school buses did not have seat belts. Our one bus driver would fly around the corner to get on our road and I remember holding on to the seat in front of me for dear life so I wouldn’t fall into the aisle. If you watch this very short video which is not graphic in nature, you will see why I think this is so important for the safety of our kids. You figure in the back seat of most vehicles you may have 2-3 children (more if you drive a van). Imagine a bus filled with children and possibly 2 to a seat. In the event of a crash without seat belts they are going to go flying all over the place. People have commented on my husband’s Facebook page that it could cause children to be trapped. Also that maybe instead of seat belts they should have bars like an amusement ride. I disagree because you have all sorts of sizes of children and even on an amusement park ride for older children you have to be a certain height.
Here is the video:
These are my thoughts….what are yours? Feel free to leave a comment in my comment area below. I am interested to see what other parents think.
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Newly middle-aged wife of 1, Mom of 3, Grandma of 2. A professional blogger who has lived in 3 places since losing her home to a house fire in October 2018 with her husband. Becky appreciates being self-employed which has allowed her to work from 'anywhere'. Life is better when you can laugh. As you can tell by her Facebook page where she keeps the humor memes going daily. Becky looks forward to the upcoming new year. It will be fun to see what 2020 holds.