What You Should Do After a Whiplash from a Car Accident

Motor vehicle accidents are among the main reasons for emergency room visits. Whiplash is one of the common injuries often diagnosed after a car accident. Although it might sound scary, it is common and easy to manage with expert help. The Roswell motor vehicle accident injury specialists are experienced in dealing with such injuries and offer the most effective treatments for conditions like whiplash.

It is crucial to report directly to your doctor after the accident for examination. Your doctor can recommend several injury management strategies depending on the severity of your condition. They will also be able to refer you on to a specialist if necessary, like Dr Timothy Steel if you have head or spinal injuries, for example. 
If you’ve been in a car accident and have suffered from whiplash, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible. In this blog post, we outline what you should do after a whiplash injury to ensure a speedy recovery.

Manage the Whiplash at Home

Your doctor can advise you to manage your symptoms at home for acute or mild whiplash. Be careful to follow your doctor’s guidelines for your self-care routine. You will need to rest your tissues. So, take everything easy and rest for the first 24 hours after the accident. Listen to your body and restrain from activities that cause pain or other symptoms.

Although you should rest, it is crucial to avoid staying in the same place for a long time. Change position while lying or try to walk around. You can also use cold or heat therapy on your neck or shoulders to manage mild symptoms.

Take Medications

You can consult your doctor if you should get over-the-counter medications for your discomfort. In most cases, your doctor will recommend NSAIDs like Aspirin, ibuprofen, and Aleve to manage pain and swelling. You might also want to talk to your doctor about prescription medications if the pain persists.

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Remember that some painkillers can have adverse side effects if misused, and you better stick to the instructions.

Consider Physical Therapy

Some exercises and stretches can help you improve the range of motion and restore strength in your neck, shoulders, or back. Your doctor will guide you on the health activities for you and teach you how you can do them at home. The stretches and exercises can cause some discomfort at first but not pain. Common whiplash exercises and stretches include shoulder rolling, head tilting side to side, up and down, and rotating the neck from left to right.

Consider a Neck Brace

A neck brace is no longer the top priority treatment for neck pain as many patients have shown to heal better with the neck moving. However, every case is different, and your doctor can see the need to use a brace. Ensure you wear the neck brace strictly as your doctor instructs you and for the recommended duration.

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Some people think it is okay to abandon the brace when they begin feeling better. However, please take it as another prescription that you must complete. Or you can go for a follow-up when you begin feeling better.

Consider Alternative Medicine

Some alternative techniques like chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture can help you manage whiplash. Chiropractic care can help you align your spine and restore normal function in your neck and back. Find one by searching for a whiplash chiropractor near me that can heal your neck and back with a few simple adjustments. Massage therapy can help you regain your balance and manage your pain. Acupuncture can also help you relieve pain and reclaim your balance. Ensure you get these alternative techniques from qualified providers for better results and minimal complications.

Motor vehicle accident injuries like whiplash can be effectively managed through effective strategies outlined here. Get in touch with the Apex Spine and Neurosurgery specialists to understand better. Request your consultation appointment online or make a call right away.

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