When Should You Repair Stucco Cracks?

After noticing stucco cracks, whether you’re buying a house or already have one, you may ask if they’re normal or something to be concerned about. Consider checking with your mortgage company or homeowners association for guidelines and instructions.

When should you be worried about stucco cracks?

But First, What Is Stucco?

So we can have a better understanding of the situation, let’s know what stucco is. Stucco is a cement-based plaster used as an exterior siding material on both homes and commercial buildings. It is extremely durable and provides good insulation against the elements.

Stucco can be applied to masonry or wood surfaces and steel framing members, but it is most commonly used over concrete block, brick, or stone surfaces.

Now that we know more about stucco, let’s get into when you should start to worry about stucco cracks.

When To Worry About Stucco Cracks?

Different types of stucco cracks are caused by many different things. Cracks in the exterior wall material are a sign that you need to address the problem. One of the most common causes for stucco cracks is for the outside material to expand and contract as it takes on more moisture or dries out.

The cold weather will often cause cracks in your stucco during the winter. When the temperature drops, it will contract and make a small crack. Then, as the sun comes out and warms up the stucco during the day, it expands.

Let’s find out the types of stucco cracks:

  1. Hairline cracks – These are the most common type of stucco cracks and are nothing to worry about. These hairline cracks will appear in the first few years after the stucco is applied, and they will continue to show up as the stucco ages. These hairline cracks are caused by the expansion and contraction of the stucco. They are usually 1/8 of an inch.
  2. Pattern cracks – These stucco cracks will appear in a repeating pattern and are caused by the wood frame of your house settling.
  3. Structural stucco cracks – These stucco cracks are cause for concern as they can indicate a problem with the foundation or framing of your home. If you see these types of stucco cracks, you have to repair them as soon as possible.
  4. Spider cracking – This demonstrates what can happen when you dry stucco on a building too quickly or apply it incorrectly. That’s a really bad outcome!

Now that we know the different types of stucco cracks, when should you repair them? For the most part, stucco cracks are cosmetic and do not require repairs. If you have hairline cracks or pattern cracks, you can live with them and repair them at your convenience. These stucco cracks are not indicative of any structural damage to your home.

However, if you have cracks that are wider than a quarter of an inch, these stucco cracks should be repaired as soon as possible. These stucco cracks can be caused by a foundation issue.

See Also

Fixing Hairline Cracks

This is the only crack that we recommend that you repair on your own because it’s normally less than a quarter of an inch.

Hairline cracks are easy to fix because all you need is caulk. Acrylic or silicone caulking can be used for this purpose. Typically you would use either acrylic or silicone caulking to fill a crack, depending on the location. If on an exterior wall, silicone caulking will allow the area to expand and contract easily with temperature changes preventing any further cracks from appearing.

How to Prevent Stucco Cracks?

The best way to maintain your stucco is by regularly inspecting it for some of the common causes of cracks, and taking care of the problem as soon as possible. This means painting or waterproofing your stucco every few years.

Protecting the stucco from the elements will assure that it lasts many years longer. You should also have a professional stucco company inspect your stucco for any cracks.


You have to inspect your stucco every once in a while. If your stucco is regularly maintained, then you are less likely to experience any cracks. But if there are any cracks, just assess if it can be easily repaired or you have to call a professional. If you have any questions about stucco or need a professional Stucco company in Glendale, contact us today! We would be happy to help you.

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