Will CBD Hemp Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?

You’ve likely heard about the benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) and hemp oil. Both are growing in popularity and purported to provide several benefits. If you’re considering using either of these to help manage stress, anxiety, or even chronic pain, you might be wondering if they will show up on a drug test. Test results can vary depending on the type of test that is given and many factors can affect the result. Even those who aren’t regular users may have traces of THC or other cannabinoids show up on their drug tests. Here we’ll explore whether CBD or hemp oil will show up on a drug test and what you can do to reduce your risk of testing positive for THC.

What is a Drug Test?

A drug test is a method used to detect traces of THC and other drugs in your system. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. It’s the chemical that makes you feel “high” or euphoric. Your employer may require you to take a drug test if you are in a safety-sensitive job, such as in healthcare or law enforcement.

It’s also common for those applying for certain types of jobs, such as pilots, truck drivers, or others, where safety is a concern, to be drug tested. Students may also be required to take a drug test. Drug tests are used to prevent people who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol from performing certain tasks. This includes occupations that put people at risk, such as operating machinery.

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is one of the many cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. Since CBD is not psychoactive, it will not show up on a drug test. Drug tests are designed to pick up on THC, the compound that is psychoactive, and therefore causes the “high” feeling. Since CBD does not have any psychoactive properties, it will not show up on a drug test.

Will Hemp Oil Show Up on a Drug Test?

Hemp oil does not contain THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, so it is unlikely to show up on a drug test. The same goes for CBD Oil, as long as it’s hemp-derived CBD. Even though it won’t show up on a drug test, it’s important to keep in mind that hemp oil and CBD oil are not regulated by the FDA. So, there’s no way to know what’s actually in the products you purchase.

How to Pass a Drug Test While Using CBD or Hemp Oil?

If you’re taking CBD or hemp oil and worried about a drug test, you’ll want to reduce your risk of testing positive for THC, even though it won’t show up on the test. There are a few things you can do to reduce your risk of testing positive for THC. First, be sure you’re taking the right dose. Two other things you can do to help avoid a false positive result include:

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– Avoiding heavy exercise 24 hours before the test

– Drinking lots of water will help you urinate and release metabolites out of your system more quickly


There are many potential benefits to taking CBD or hemp oil. Both are non-psychoactive and don’t show up on a drug test, making them a great choice if you’re worried about testing positive for THC. If you’re required to take a drug test, you can reduce your risk of testing positive for THC by taking the right dose, avoiding heavy exercise 24 hours before the test, and drinking lots of water.

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