4 Tips For Taking An RV Trip With Kids

4 Tips For Taking An RV Trip With Kids

Taking an RV trip with your kids will be many things: it will be noisy, it will be memorable, it will be fun, and yes, at times it will be stressful. But in the end, it is well worth it because of the adventures that you will be able to share as a family. When planning to go camping with your RV it’s more fun, budget-friendly, and hustle-free.

In fact, RV road and camping trips are among the best of ways to spend together as a family.

Here are four tips for taking an RV trip with kids:

Tip #1 – Stay Seated During Traveling

Just because you’re in an RV doesn’t mean it’s safe to roam around while you’re on the road. While your RV may feel like home, it’s still a moving vehicle on public roads and you need to take proper safety precautions.

To this end, have your kids stay seated and with their seatbelts on while the RV is moving. Running and jumping around in the living area is a disaster waiting to happen.

Tip #2 – Be Selective About The RV You Rent

If you’re going to be renting an RV, you’re also going to want to be very selective about the specific model that you rent.

While you’re going to be confined to a small living space no matter which RV that you choose, it’s still important that you don’t rent an RV that’s too small. It’s a good idea to bring your kids to help you tour and choose a specific RV to rent. Hopefully, you will all agree on the one you want.

As far as safety is concerned, Class B and Class C motorhomes are built on a commercial truck chassis with the same driving area, and therefore they have the same safety requirements. Class A RV’s, on the other hand, do not have the same requirements and should have their own unique safety features.

Tip #3 – Bring Your Tablets

If there’s one thing that can keep kids quiet during an RV trip (or any road trip for that matter), it’s a tablet device where they can watch movies and play games on. Just make sure it’s fully charged before you leave, and download any movies beforehand because you likely won’t have consistent or strong enough internet connection to stream them during the trip.

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Tip #4 – Be Selective About Your RV Park

Believe it or not, some RV parks will even charge extra for each child you have with you. The extra fee can be anywhere from two to five dollars, and safe to say RV parks with a child fee are probably trying to say they would rather not have kids, to begin with.

That’s why it’s probably a good idea to avoid these RV parks altogether and stick with family-friendly ones. Usually, the most family friendly RV parks out there will be ones on state and national parks.

Taking An RV Trip With Kids

As was mentioned earlier, an RV trip can be one of the best experiences to share together as a family. If you bring young kids with you, the tips in this article will help make that experience even better.


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