4 Ways to Enjoy Quality Pool Time With Your Loved Ones While Social Distancing Rules Are in Effect


Participating in some form of physical activity on a regular basis is one of the best ways to boost a person’s immune system and improve their mental health. This is especially important during the pandemic that the world is currently experiencing. Rules about where and when people can go places and who they can see when they are out has left much of the population feeling lonely, depressed, and anxious. This can have a detrimental effect on a person’s health.

With summer approaching, many people are itching to get outside to play and swim. Swimming is an excellent way to get exercise. It has a positive effect on a person’s mental health and immune system. Some people are lucky enough to have pools in their backyards that they can use at their leisure, while others rely on community or city pools. Either way a person swims, to safely enjoy pool time this summer, there are four things that they should keep in mind: keep the pool clean, rearrange the pool deck furniture, make reservations if possible, and play fun games.

1. Keep the Pool Clean

So far, there is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread through pool water. In fact, it has been shown that the virus cannot survive in pool water that has been properly treated. However, for those people who have their own pool, and those who run community pools, it is still a good idea to set a rigorous cleaning and maintenance schedule for the summer and stick to it.

It is best to hire a pool service, such as Sparklean Pools, to carry out the maintenance and cleaning so the pool owner can be certain that their pool water is sparkling clean, fully disinfected, and poses no risk to pool users. The best chemicals to use for this purpose are chlorine and bromine. It is also a good idea to clean and disinfect any pool deck furniture, toys, and floatation devices, as well, using a bleach-based cleanser. Doing these things will give the pool owner and their family the peace of mind in knowing they will not spread or catch any illness while using their pool.

2. Rearrange Pool Deck Furniture

Whether a person owns their own pool or relies on a nearby community pool, it is a good idea to study the arrangement of the pool deck furniture upon arrival. If necessary, pool goers can rearrange the furniture so that they and their companions can sit together at an appropriate distance from the nearest group. This will allow them to better comply with social distancing requirements.

Generally speaking, people within a single family that are using their personal pool or community pool are allowed to sit together. However if multiple families are getting together, the pool owner should consider arranging furniture in small groups that are 6 feet apart. This will allow members of the same family to sit together, while also sitting near other families. They can safely chat and interact while maintaining social distance. A few quick calculations can help pool owners determine the best arrangement of furniture.

3. Make Reservations if Possible

More often than not, people must rely on a community pool, because they do not have one in their backyard. In some cases, individual neighborhoods have a pool that their residents can use. In other cases, people utilize the pool at a fitness center or city community center. Regardless, people using these pools should try to go when crowds are low.

One great option for those who run these community pools is to set up a schedule that allows patrons to make a reservation for pool time. This would ensure that the pool does not get overcrowded at typical peak times. Instead, it would spread out the pool goers throughout the day to keep crowds at a manageable level. Pool goers who are given the opportunity to make a reservation should definitely take advantage of this if possible. Making a reservation allows them to hit the pool when they know it will not be crowded. They can then enjoy the pool with their families without fear of violating social distancing rules due to overcrowding.

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4. Play Fun Games

Once a family has made it to a pool, whether it be their own, a friend’s, or a community’s, and has set up their space according to social distancing guidelines, they should take full advantage of their time there. One way to do so is by playing fun games. While team sports are to be discouraged during this time, there are plenty of games that can be played individually or with others while maintaining social distance.

Marco Polo is an example of a game that can be played with others, while keeping apart. Kids may enjoy diving to the bottom of the pool to collect coins that an adult throws in. Other examples of pool games that are safe during social distancing are races with large pool floats, jumping contests to see who makes the biggest or smallest splash, and beach ball races.

Though the current situation in the world dictates that people keep to themselves, stay home as much as possible, and keep six feet away from others when they do need to go out, it does not mean the upcoming summer is a total bust. It just means that people need to find new ways of enjoying the outdoors with just their families or close friends.

There are plenty of ways to get outside and enjoy much their loved activities, including going to the swimming pool. In fact, it is important for the mental and physical health of people for them to be outside in the sunshine getting exercise, and going to the pool is a great way to do so. By keeping in mind four things, including the cleanliness of the pool, the arrangement of the pool furniture, the best time and way to visit a community pool, and ways to get the most fun out of pool time, people can safely enjoy lounging by and playing in the pool with their friends and families.

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