5 Home Renovations Only Professionals Should Do

5 Home Renovations Only Professionals Should Do

Home improvement projects can increase the curb appeal of your home and add real estate value to the property. In the past years, more home improvers have tried do-it-yourself remodeling, renovations, and repairs to save money and have full control of their project. There’s no denying the appeal and benefits of DIY, but when it comes to home renovations, there are certain jobs that are better left to licensed professionals.

Structural Changes

Any work that changes the structure of your home should be done by a professional home renovator. Structural changes may entail knocking down walls and supports, which can weaken the foundations of your home and seriously compromise its structural integrity.

Being the homeowner doesn’t make you immediately qualified to make the best decisions about how to make structural changes in your home. On the other hand, a licensed professional has taken years to gain expertise and experience to be qualified for the job.

In addition, home renovations that include structural changes will require construction permits and documents from the local building authority. Contractors know the ins and outs of the process, so it would be better to hire one rather than risk being fined and sanctioned for doing work with incomplete or without permits.

Electrical Work

From 2014 to 2016, there were over twenty-four thousand residential building electrical fires in the United States, as reported by the US Fire Department. These incidents have resulted in the loss of 310 lives and caused 850 injuries and $871 million in property loss.

Electrical failures or malfunctions accounts for 13 percent of US home fires from 2012 to 2016, which makes it the second-leading cause after unattended equipment, as reported by the National Fire Prevention Association.

The government maintains strict safety standards and protocols for electrical jobs to prevent such incidents. That said, any home renovation that involves electrical works—running new cables, installing additional outlets and switches, or repairing electrical circuits must be done by a licensed and experienced electrician in Mount Gravatt.

If you’re considering doing electrical upgrades during your home renovation, talk to a professional, know the pros and cons, and get a quote; don’t immediately resort to DIY.

Plumbing Jobs

Minor plumbing jobs, like fixing small leaks or replacing a faucet or showerhead, are some things you can do yourself, but replacing a tub, installing a toilet, or adding a water heater are not jobs an amateur should do. These tasks require careful planning and professional handling; otherwise, there will be disastrous results.

If you’re thinking of switching out your old toilet, consider getting a Saniflo upflush toilet to avoid the messy work of breaking ground and adding new pipes. You may also like the new wall-mounted toilet in your bathroom. Make sure you can talk to your contractor about how to efficiently connect the new toilet to your existing sewage system or septic tank.

Installing Tiles

Laying down new tiles sound simple, but it entails complicated steps that require a high level of skills. If you want even floors, proper prep work, accurate measurement, and skillful installation are essential. An inexperienced person would not be able to complete these steps as accurately and adeptly as a professional would.

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Not only are uneven tiles unsightly, but they can also be accident hazards. Proper installation, underlayment included, will make the floor rest firmer and last longer. Don’t settle for shoddy tiling when you can get close to perfect results with professional help.

Replacing Roof

Replacing a worn or damaged roof can be a dangerous job that should be done by professionals who have the right skills and tools to mitigate the hazard. Plus, even if you save money by doing it yourself, there’s a potential you may miss something or do a mediocre job, which you may end up paying for later or may reduce the curb appeal of your home.

Rather than risk your safety and investment might as well leave it to a contractor who can do the job more skillfully in a shorter period.

The Bottom Line

Unless you have the expertise, experience, and tools, you should leave the jobs mentioned for a licensed professional to do. Doing the renovation yourself may save you a lot of money, but you may end up paying thousands of dollars to fix a botched DIY work. Some jobs may look simple but would require complicated steps and high level of skills to complete.

Be realistic about your level of skills and knowledge. Make the best decision for your home renovation and hire a licensed professional to do the jobs mentioned above even if it will cost you more in the onset.

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