6 Guaranteed Methods To Keep Your Hamster Happy

Keep Your Hamster Happy

A hamster is an excellent pet for both kids and parents. It is tiny, it is a source of endless antics, and it doesnโ€™t require a lot of food. While itโ€™s true that you must be religious about keeping the petโ€™s cage clean, otherwise, hamsters are not exactly high-maintenance pets. Nonetheless, you probably want your hamster to be happy in your home, which is why following the methods described below will help you achieve that.

  1. Create a pleasant environment for your hamster

One of the first things you need to ensure for your little pet is home. That is why a spacious cage should be on top of your list. While a hamster is tiny, he or she needs enough room to exercise, as this species has a tendency to become overweight.

  1. Populate the cage with many toys, tunnels, and a running wheel

A hamster can be a one-creature-show, but only if you provide the right tools for him or her to perform. That means that you should invest a little in some toys, ladders, tunnels, and a running wheel. As long as your hamster finds plenty of things to do, he or she will always be happy.

  1. Make sure that your hamster has plenty of freshwater

As far as food is concerned, it would help if you steered clear of overfeeding your hamster. While you might not be aware, hamsters are excellent hoarders, and they can hide food everywhere. Besides making the cage a smelly mess, that could also entice them to overeat and become obese.

One thing that you should always supply in enough quantities is water, though. Hamsters drink a lot of water for their small frame, and without proper hydration, they can fall ill and become lethargic. So, itโ€™s easy to make a hamster happy if you care for his or her basic needs.

  1. Learn about his or her body language

What makes anyone happy? First of all, to be understood, and thatโ€™s something hamsters are not an exception from. As the owner, you should be aware that your hamster canโ€™t tell you what he or she doesnโ€™t like. However, cues from the behavior of such animals should tell you everything about what to do and what not to do.

A hamster that lowers to the ground signals that he or she doesnโ€™t want to be handled. If you pick your pet up, you might just become a source of stress. Squeaking sounds are also signs of nervousness, and you should always allow your new pet to get adjusted to his or her new home.

  1. Be patient while attempting to handle a hamster

Hamsters can be very shy and nervous, which is why pet owners should have a lot of patience until the first signs of trust appear. Handling is not precisely on top of the list for a hamster. However, you can make progress little by little.

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Offer a small tasty treat that the hamster can eat from your hand. Let your hand flat on the surface on which your hamster stands. Allow him or her to sniff you; once youโ€™re deemed that youโ€™re not a danger, you will begin to appear as a friendly being.

  1. Supplement the daily diet with tasty treats

Even though itโ€™s not a good idea to overfeed your hamster, that doesnโ€™t mean that you should settle for feeding him or her the same boring diet day after day. You can shake things up by offering from time to time some tasty snacks. Your hamster will eat them with pleasure, and that could help with ensuring better overall health, as well.



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