9 Tips for Managing Nicotine Withdrawal

9 Tips for Managing Nicotine Withdrawal

Nicotine addiction is still common throughout the country. Cigarettes and other tobacco products are easily accessible, so it can make quitting very hard. The withdrawals felt by tobacco users can be difficult and long-lasting. The most long-standing withdrawal symptom is the craving. The cravings can hit the person very quickly and last for weeks. Below are nine useful quit chewing tobacco tipsย for managing nicotine withdrawal symptoms with a focus on cravings.

Stay Busy

It is crucial to stay busy through the beginning stages of nicotine withdrawals. Most that have successfully recovered will recount that keeping their hands and mouths busy was of the utmost importance. Gum, hard candy, and other snacks can help distract the mind from thinking it is missing something. Non-alcoholic beverages can also assist with keeping hands and mouth stimulated. Recent studies have shown that CBD drinks such as Mello Drop can keep the smoker’s mouth and hands distracted, and the ingredients can help lessen the effects of withdrawal.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Fortunately, the advancement in nicotine replacement therapy has increased greatly. There are many choices for tobacco users to pick from. Over-the-counter options such as nicotine gum and patches prove to be useful for some. The gum has a dual purpose by allowing the user to ingest some nicotine and also keeps the person’s mouth busy. There are several prescription medications that can be prescribed by a physician that will aid in assisting a person in quitting and managing withdrawals.


Exercise is good for anyone but is especially beneficial for a person who is actively quitting tobacco. Tobacco products have already damaged the person’s body, so exercise is a way to get healthy and gives the person activity to focus on. The exercise does not have to be strenuous. It can be as simple as a walk, and as the craving subsides, the person can add advanced exercise to their routine.

Go to a Non-Smoking Environment

There are times that craving symptoms can feel like the walls are closing in. When this happens, the person can start to feel weak and want to give in to the cravings. Getting out of the environment might help them to stay strong. Most restaurants, many bars, and other types of establishments no longer allow smoking or tobacco use. Going to get a bite to eat or a drink at one of these places will help because there is no chance of being around may assist in curbing the cravings.

Friends and Family Support

The support of friends and family is crucial to eliminate tobacco from a person’s life successfully. It is an addiction, just like anything else done in excess, and a support system is vital to success when the cravings hit hard; a word of reassurance or a visit from friends and family may be the thing that helps the tobacco user stay strong.


Some people can find benefits from meditation or other relaxation techniques. These methods can stimulate the mind and get the focus off of the withdrawal symptoms by relaxing the mind and body. There are many phone apps and other resources that will teach meditation techniques to assist with curbing cravings and other symptoms. Sometimes just focusing on taking deep breathes will assist the tobacco user in resetting their mind and body until the symptoms decrease.

See Also

Implement New Routines

Tobacco use is a routine for users. They have a certain time each day devoted to their habit. Users must find and implement new routines to take the place of tobacco. For instance, if the user always has a cigarette after each meal, that routine will need to be replaced with something else, such as taking a walk. By replacing that time with something constructive and active, the person can eventually make that a habit, and it will assist with the effects of withdrawal.

Avoid Triggers

The avoidance of triggers is important to recovery. There are activities and people that will cause the craving symptom to get worse just by the user being exposed to them. Alcohol is a major trigger for most tobacco users. Abstaining from alcohol while going through withdrawal is the only solution to avoid that trigger. Being around other tobacco users while they are using is likely the biggest trigger. Surrounding themselves with positive things is crucial to overcoming the side effects of no tobacco use.

Remember the Reason for Quitting

Recovering from tobacco use is hard, but everyone has their own reason for quitting. Each person needs to remember why they decided to quit in the first place. Maybe they had a health issue arise, or maybe they promised their significant other or children that they would. Regardless of the reason, they must remind themselves daily why they are quitting to give them the strength to push through.

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