5 Home Projects You Can DIY

5 Home Projects You Can DIY

Hiring contractors to come into your home and complete work has many benefits: youโ€™re going to get it done professionally and it isnโ€™t going to cost any blood, sweat, and tears of your own. However, if you think of the money youโ€™ll save if you undertake certain projects yourself, you will find youโ€™ll be able to recoup a greater return on your investment if you choose to sell your house in the future.

Some jobs, such as replacing new windows, require a professional, so the last thing youโ€™re going to want to be doing is carrying heavy window frames up a creaky old ladder. The professionals will set up a scaffold frame to make their jobs easier. However, there are several big jobs you can undertake yourself and five of those are listed below.


  • Bathroom Refurbish


Fitting out a new bathroom yourself can save you thousands. There are a few skills that are required, but you can learn a lot from YouTube. Tiling can get a bit messy, but thereโ€™s not much that can go wrong as long as the end project looks good. You could easily save yourself a few thousand if you finish the bathroom yourself. You may want to consider hiring a plasterer to come in, as thatโ€™s a skill that canโ€™t be learned in a few minutes.


  • Kitchen Fitting


Youโ€™re probably thinking Iโ€™m mad for saying this, but fitting out a kitchen doesnโ€™t have to be strenuous work either. You could easily save yourself $5,000 if you complete the kitchen refit yourself. The job basically requires you to fit flat pack furniture together by following instructions. You will likely want to hire an electrician and plumber to come in and rewire or re-plumb some of the pipework, but other than that you can do the job yourself.


  • Hardwood Floor Laying


Hardwood floor fitting is a DIY job as long as you have the correct tools. If you are short on money but you have some old gift cards you donโ€™t need, look at EJ Gift Cards and make some extra cash. Any money you make can be used to pay for some new hardwood flooring packs.


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  • Garage Door Replacement


You will want to ask for a friendโ€™s help when replacing a garage door, but this work isnโ€™t particularly hard either as long as you follow the clear instructions available online. This could easily save you $1,000.


  • Reinsulate the Loft


Itโ€™s not a pretty job, but reinsulating the loft area yourself can be a fantastic way to save money, not only on initial cost but also energy costs. It will likely take you a few days to accomplish, but itโ€™s certainly a job that most home DIYers can accomplish with little skill and youโ€™ll just need to spend $700 for the fiberglass instead of hiring a contractor for $2,100.

Before hiring a contractor always ask yourself if you really need to pay the extra money on getting them to do it when you can put in a bit of effort to do it yourself. Itโ€™s always going to take longer and sometimes youโ€™ll want to pull your hair out, but if you can save yourself thousands thereโ€™s no reason why you shouldnโ€™t consider it.

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