Teenagers: How To Have Good Grades Without Sacrificing Fun

How To Have Good Grades Without Sacrificing Fun

Want straight Aโ€™s?

We know it all: itโ€™s a maze! Without looking back, getting an A may require you to move on with studies, studies, and more studies. Plus, youโ€™ll need to practice saying โ€œnoโ€ to friends whenever they invite you for an outing.

Wondering if there is a less stressful way to get a good grade without saying good-bye to fun forever?

Interestingly, there is.

The key is to stay focused on your options without getting overwhelmed. By implementing a few tricks, itโ€™s easier to excel in your academics without letting go of the fun and adventure that awaits.

Letโ€™s dig deeper and hack the tricks!

Pick The Easy-Going Teachers

Sometimes, youโ€™re lucky enough to select the teachers. After all, theyโ€™re the ones who will be grading you based on different factors.

Think of it this way: an intellectual, highly demanding teacher will more likely give you a B grade. But a friendlier one will be lenient enough to make an A+ for you. Though there isnโ€™t any hard-and-fast rule, choosing a teacher who listens to you and helps you find a solution still makes sense.

Accept This: Homework Requires The Right Technique

You donโ€™t have to dedicate your entire day to your homework. Besides, being a nerd doesnโ€™t guarantee good grades. Instead, you can change the way you do your homework. To make sure it takes minimum time, learn how to focus on homework by Phyzzle. Once you know how to boost your willpower, youโ€™ll be able to complete the homework without spending hours on it each day.

Extract The โ€œMeโ€ Time From A Tough Schedule

Your exams are just around the corner. Stressing over the countdown and restricting hangouts with friends is only going to make it more stressful. To stay sane while ensuring a good score in all subjects, write down a schedule, mention time and date beside each study task, and stick to it.

Look at the schedule again. Analyze if you can manage to take out a few hours for a hang out with friends. If you can, confirm your friendsโ€™ availability so you all are on the same page. Enjoy the time and then get back to studies!

Having a schedule is one of the best ways you can get rid of exam stress, however, if you are getting too stressed out you may want to look at these 25 tips thatย Daniel Wongย has recommended.

Choose Study Groups Wisely

How To Have Good Grades Without Sacrificing Fun

Its fun to study with friends: you study together, take a coffee break, enjoy the short gossips, and then, study again. But if you take too much time off, you canโ€™t focus on studies โ€“ what a dilemma!

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To avoid getting distracted from study groups, focus on your main goal: is group studying helping you get good grades? If yes, stick to this. Otherwise, youโ€™re better off focusing on your studies on an individual basis. If the second option suits your situation, the library in the best place to get started.

Create A Strong Image In Class

The first impression is the last impression โ€“ this is applicable in studies too. Based on your overall impression, a teacher may give you a grace mark that turns your B+ to A. This requires hard work, though. To form a good impression throughout the course, work on your attitude towards studies.

Follow these points:

  • Show up in class without missing a single lecture.
  • Arrive the classroom early so you can get extra time to prepare yourself in case there is a surprise test.
  • When in doubt, ask questions but stay quiet when talking too much sounds stupid.

Donโ€™t Spend More Than 25 Minutes Focusing On A Specific Topic

If youโ€™re staring at your textbook since morning, it may only contribute to energy drain. Instead, take a different approach: when youโ€™ve been stuck on preparing for a test for twenty-five minutes, take a break. Talk to a family member or play a favorite game.

After ten minutes, resume studying. Now, check the increased motivation level. This way, youโ€™ll be able to focus more on grasping the concepts of the subject.


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