National Animal Advocacy Day and My Furry Friends

National Animal Advocacy Day and My Furry Friends

Today is National Animal Advocacy Day so I’m lending my voice for those who don’t have one and I hope you’ll join me in my efforts.

National Animal Advocacy Day and My Furry Friends

When my kids were much younger we decided to adopt a dog from a shelter as our first forever pet.  We were not sure what we wanted to get but I had been watching our local shelter’s ads in the local Pennysaver.  There was one dog that caught my eye.  He was a mix of a golden retriever, lab, mastiff looking dog and I almost think he had some shepherd in him because that is what his tail reminded me of.

I never had a dog that size growing up (as he was about 110 pounds).  He was just beautiful.  So we went and got him, and found out if we hadn’t he would have had to be put to sleep.  He had been out on the ‘street’ for over a month before they were able to get him and no one had claimed him.  We made an appointment for him to get fixed, got him licensed and he was ours.  The kids decided to name him “Chance” because we gave him a chance they said.  The vet said he estimated him to be about 5 years-old.  We figured out that he knew how to sit and lay down on command and also fetched ball -or anything you wanted to throw to him like snowballs, sticks and so on.

We ended up having him until he was about 14 years old when he ended up having cancer.  Although we have had more dogs since then, he will always be one of our most favorite.  At a time when he needed someone, our family needed him just as much.

National Animal Advocacy Day and My Furry Friends-chance

There are so many great organizations that support our furry friends year-round and I want to take a moment to highlight one that is making a tremendous nationwide impact.

Best Friends Animal Society

As the nation’s largest no-kill sanctuary, Best Friends has been helping our furry friends for over 30 years. With a mission “to see a time when there are no more homeless pets” and a vision of “a better world through the kindness of animals,” this organization truly embodies values I can support.

Through their work of building relationships with other organizations, Best Friends has had a heavy hand in making Utah a no-kill state for dogs and is very close to making the same progress with cats. Their other current locations in Los Angeles, NYC and Atlanta are looking to replicate these efforts.

While Best Friends may not be physically present in each state, their impact is evident throughout all 50. Creating relationships with hundreds and hundreds of animal nonprofits, they help those organizations make their own community euthanasia-free due to overpopulation in shelters. Through marketing help, expert resources and much more, they lend their hand to make their no-kill initiative a reality by 2525.

This goal wouldn’t be possible to achieve without acknowledging and improving the problems that lead to overpopulation in the first place. Their work with spay and neuter education is key to reducing the amount of stray or surrendered litters entering shelters. Combine that with urging potential animal owners to adopt instead of buying their new furry friend and we have a recipe for squashing overpopulation.

Become an Advocate Today

Their continued work wouldn’t be possible without amazing supporters, like you. So here are some ways you can help in honor of this observance and beyond:

Donating – Best Friends supports many forms of donations so anyone can truly feel like they made an impact. Monthly donations, animal sponsorship, planned giving, etc…so check out how you can give today.

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Fundraising – Further your impact by expanding your donation efforts to include others. Don’t forget to register your event online so you can garner more community support! The combination of engaging your broader network to make a larger contribution and increasing awareness of the cause can make for some seriously positive impact.

Shop – That’s right, I said it. If you frequent Amazon, then there is nothing you need to change other than shopping with AmazonSmile. Shop at and you’ll receive the same low prices and convenient experience with an added bonus; Amazon will donate 0.5% of the cost of your purchase to your chosen charity!

National Animal Advocacy Day and My Furry Friends

While you’re shopping, consider exploring items on the Best Friends wishlist to add to your cart and send to one of their locations. It’ll directly help the approximate 1,600 animals in their care every day.

So I urge you to observe National Animal Advocacy Day in any way you can. Whether it’s volunteering at your local animal shelter, donating money and items, or adopting your newest furry friend, the impact will be very much appreciated, thanks to you. I’m proud to contribute to the 2525 goal of eliminating kill shelters due to overpopulation and I hope you are too!


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