What to Do When You’re Locked Out of Your House

What to do When Youre Locked Out of Your House

It’s finally happenedโ€”you’ve locked yourself out of the house. Despite our best efforts, it happens to almost everyone at some point, and it’s quite a frustrating circumstance to get into. Before trying to climb in through a second-story window or worse yet, breaking a window to get in, step back, take a deep breath, and try not to panic. These simple tips will make it easier to get back in quickly and safely.

Look for an Unlocked Access Point

Even if you’re very careful about locking your patio doors and windows, there’s always a small chance that one has been left open or unlocked. Because this is the fastest and easiest way to get into the home, begin by checking ground-level doors and windows.

Call Someone With a Spare Key

If you’re like most people, you know someone who has keys to your home. Call your kids, your spouse, or anyone else who may have a spare key. If you are renting your home, Advantage Realty Services says you may be able to get in by calling your landlord or maintenance staff to unlock the door.

Pick the Lock

Knowing how to pick locks isn’t just for action heroes and crooks; it can come in handy for homeowners as well. There are two ways to do it, depending on your lock and door configuration:

  • Use a credit card. Some locks pop right open if you slide a card into the crack near the lock.
  • Use a knife. With a pocket knife or even a butter knife, you may be able to push the bolt away from the doorjamb.

Take Off the Doorknob

If you’ve got some tools nearby, you may be able to get in by removing the doorknob. Find the doorknob’s shank and use a paper clip or small screwdriver to remove the screws. Then, remove any decorative plating to access the screws attaching the doorknob to the door. Once you’ve done that, the door should open easily.

See Also

Call a Professional

This is one of the most expensive options, but it’s also one of the most effective. A locksmith, such as the one you’d find at www.southperthlocksmiths.com.au, can unlock doors without damaging them. In most cases, they’ll get there within the hour. Once you’re back in your house, consider taking steps to avoid future lockouts, such as installing a smart lock or leaving a key with a friend or family member.

Some guides advise tricks like forcing the lock with a credit card, but some jobs are best left to the professionals. Before you resort to some super spy tricks and start trying to jimmy your own front door locks, call a locksmith. On an emergency callout, a locksmith can get you back into the property quickly, and cause minimal damage to your door in the process. If they do have to break in or break the lock, they can also repair the damage and get a new lock fitted too so your home stays safe. You can learn about the various services offered by the pros on this site: Locksmith Hollywood Florida.



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