5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

Knee pain is a very common problem among anyone who exercises and knee injuries are amidst the most common problems that you can find in all sportsman. The reasons why you get different types of knee injuries and knee problems are divided between traumatic injuries and those where the pain develops gradually without a clear reason.

While the first type is less controllable, the other can in many cases get avoided or at least we can make that risk minimized. Sports massage therapy can help athletes prevent injury and enhance performance by improving range of motion and flexibility. In today’s article, we will provide you the list of the most common training exercises that contribute to knee pain and knee injuries.

1. Too Much Jumping and Tension Training

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

Sports such as basketball are known to contribute to conditions such as patella tendinitis. While jumping is unavoidable during gameplay and training, you should be aware of not passing things over. At Your Best Brace, for example, you can review different protective equipment that will eventually save you from such unfortunate events.

This is especially important when you have just started the sport or when you are moving up a level. The great number of doctors agree that sadly most of the sportsman tend to start using knee braces after they start to feel the pain or obtain an injury.

Therefore it’s highly advisable that anyone who feels even the slightest unpleasant pain in the knee area they have to start using a compression knee brace as prevention for future problems.

2. Knee Injuries Due to Bad Shoes

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

Surprisingly, bad shoes may well be one of the contributing factors to knee pain and knee injuries. Before starting your workout, make sure your shoes have good cushioning.

Most sports involve running and repeated pressures that create great stress on the knees. The damping of your shoes or soles can help to reduce this stress, which in turn reduces the risk of knee injuries.

Also, make sure the shoes provide enough support for the heel area. Get a walk analysis to make sure you have appropriate shoes for you and your sport.

3. Muscle Imbalance and Inadequate Stretching

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

As mentioned, knee injuries are very common if not the most common sports injury. One reason why we get different types of knee injuries such as dislocation, cruciate ligament injuries, jumping ankle and more are directly contributed to muscle imbalances.

Muscle imbalances occur when a muscle group is strong and tense and the opposite group is weak and loose. This leads to uneven traction on the joint, which in turn can lead to tracking of the knee joint. For example, when strong lateral muscles pull your kneecap outward in most cases a runny nose may occur.

Inadequate stretching and insufficient strength programs contribute to this development, so pay double the attention to the time spent before going full force ahead on continuing with your sports practice.

4. Lack of Perseverance

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

Research has shown that fatigue at the end of a match or a workout increases the risk of knee injuries. This is due to a naturally reduced control due to tired muscles.

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Increased cardio training can help with this and increase your chances of avoiding a knee injury. Get to know your own limits and slow down if you feel you are losing control. Never, ever, continue with your practice even if you feel the slightest unpleasant feeling in your knees.

No pain, no gain is more or less a very true statement when trying to build your body in perfect shape but once you feel pain in your knees when you need to be sure that your body is sending you clear signals that you need to stop right away.

5. Running and Jumping on Hard Surfaces

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in SportsAlways training on hard surfaces, especially concrete, can contribute to knee injuries. There is absolutely no bounce in these types of surfaces so the forces that arise through feet and lower legs are much larger than when you exercise on softer surfaces such as grass or wood.

This is especially important for all the people who practice basketball or handball since there are countless opportunities to play these sports on very harsh surfaces.

One thing that needs to be very clear to all the people that use to switch between soft and hard surfaces while playing sports. Try to avoid such opportunities and ideally never do them! Even for the most professional sportsman, it’s very hard to train your knees and muscles to function properly on both hard and soft surfaces.

Not to mention the eventual problems that can happen if you fall on the concrete or twist your ankle while trying to outmaneuver your opponent with the same ease as you would on the grass for example. Therefore, it’s highly advisable to stick to one surface and let your body get used to it in the healthiest way.

In Conclusion:

5 Most Common Reasons for Knee Pain and Injuries in Sports

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