CBD Oil for Dogs: What Does ‘Natural Organic’ Mean

CBD Oil for Dogs:

When it comes to CBD oil for dogs, you’ve likely seen that sometimes it can be organic, while other times it’s not. To make sure you administer what’s best for your fur pal, whether it’s to improve their anxiety, reduce pain, or for another reason, let’s look at what organic means in this instance.

Organic CBD Products

Natural organic CBD oil from a reputable source like HolistaPet is made from all organic ingredients. In other words, it comes from organic hemp.

 It is made using only organic growing methods, without any synthetic chemicals. If made using a clean CO2 extraction process, as with HolistaPet, using pressurized carbon dioxide to take desired cannabinoids (CBD) from the plant, without any contaminants being in contact.

Did you know that CO2 makes up 0.04% of the earth’s atmosphere?

Non-Organic Growing Processes

Measure, the CBD oil for dogs that is non-organic may come from farms with pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Growing methods also may involve synthetic fertilizers and ion radiation.

Without organic regulations during the extraction process, solvents may end up in non-organic CBD. Unfortunately, the harsh chemicals pose health risks for your beloved animal.

Even after the evaporation process, solvent residues can still be in the products. That’s as opposed to organic CBD that is free of sewage sludge and is irradiation free, as well as pesticide-free.

Giving dog treats CBD

See Also

Natural organic CBD oil can be added to edibles for easy dosage. For example, cookies, biscuits, and capsules. The oil form is easy to add to food or water.

The infographic below conveniently shows the benefits of organic CBD oil for pets and the types of products available. Give your dog the best life possible, from treatments to exercise and unconditional love.

Infographic designed by HolistaPet HolistaPet

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Lum3n.com from Pexels

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