Hints and Tips for Effectively Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home


The Coronavirus has caused a sea change in the way we interact with others on a social basis. We keep our distance; we wash our hands regularly and many people have taken to wearing latex gloves in order to reduce the chance of infection from surfaces that may have been contaminated. However, cleaning and disinfecting is always a good idea – not just when faced with a global pandemic – and this is important in our homes where microorganisms that can damage our health flourish in the absence of proper disinfection routines. You can also get cleaners to do the job for you.

After chatting to the team at Fabulously Clean, who are a Professional & Locally Owned House Cleaning Service Serving Boise Idaho, we got some great hints and tips to share, that will help keep your family safe from potentially dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms, as well as dust and mites. All of which can adversely affect those with allergies.

Firstly, it’s important to realize that there is a large difference between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning can be as simple as removing debris from the yard or surface dirt. It doesn’t kill microorganisms – it simply reduces their numbers. When you disinfect it kills these microorganisms? However, disinfection doesn’t necessarily lead to clean and sparkling surfaces – so what is actually required to make your home safer and simply a more hygienic place to live is a combination of cleaning and disinfecting.

Cleaning and disinfecting your home is a necessary part of keeping it safe and healthy. While it may seem like a daunting task, you can hire services from professionals that provide furniture cleaning in Papillion, NE (or in your local area).

So here are some simple hints and tips to ensure that your home is a safe and comfortable place to live.

The first step to cleaning effectively is a simple one. Read the instructions that are usually printed on the container of cleaning product that you will be using. Even if the product resembles one that you have sued before there can be differences that are not immediately apparent. Used incorrectly some harsh cleaning products can damage surfaces – especially plastics and wood finishes. Even more serious is the fact that incorrectly using cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals can damage your health. Some cleaning products may require that the room be well ventilated prior to use – or that you wear gloves while applying them. There are also cleaning products that can harm pets – in fact, many require fish tanks to be covered when they are used – this is especially true of aerosol-based cleaning products – you do not want to lose a hefty investment in a tropical fish collection – or see that beloved goldfish floating belly up.

When it comes to disinfecting some discipline is needed. Areas that are subject to almost constant contact need to be disinfected daily (think stirs handrails and kitchen surfaces, as well as light switches and door handles).

Microorganisms have come under the spotlight due to the media frenzy surrounding the Coronavirus – however, even if this was not the case the CDC has long recommended wearing gloves while you are disinfecting your home. Disposable gloves are not expensive – for your protection wear them while disinfecting – and dispose of them properly. they can also protect your skin from coming into contact with harsh chemicals. Once you have taken off the gloves make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and preferably use a hand sanitizer.

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Then there is the matter of which sorts of disinfectants to use. Expert advice indicates that your disinfectant solutions should contain at least 70% alcohol. The alternative is to use bleach. Before purchasing a disinfectant product make sure that it has not expired. Bleach is easily obtainable. If you want to mix up your own batch of disinfectant using bleach A gallon of water mixed with 5 tablespoons of bleach is highly effective. Beware of making mixtures stronger than this – and also be aware that bleach can damage household surfaces. if in doubt test the solution on a part of the furniture or surface that is not immediately visible while it is in normal use (such as the bottom of countertops). Safety tip: never attempt to increase the effectiveness of bleach by adding products such as ammonia. The mixture of ammonia and bleach leads to the production of Chlorine gas. Small doses will irritate your eyes and esophagus, large doses can kill you.

Carpets, rugs, curtains and living room furniture are best cleaned with commercially available cleaning products that have been designed for use with textiles. For best results mix these products with warm water. If the furniture has removable covers then they should be placed in the washing machine along with other textile furnishings after the cleaning product has been applied. Make sure to dry the textile products thoroughly before replacing them in the relevant area of the home. failure to do so can encourage the growth of mold -another potentially harmful organism.

For those who want a clean and hygienic home regular cleaning and disinfection is an absolute must. It safeguards both your health and the health of your family. It is a task that simply should not be ignored.

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