Delivery Man Sneak Peek Trailer #DeliveryManMovie in Theaters November 22, 2013

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Delivery Man Sneak Peek Trailer #DeliveryManMovie in Theaters November 22, 2013

*DISCLAIMER – I received no compensation for this post! All information and videos or pictures provided by Disney. *

Have you heard that Vince Vaughn will be the lead in the upcoming movie “Delivery Man” this coming November? This movie is Rated PG13 due to mature theme.  But will be an excellent ‘date’ night movie or one to go with other adults in the family or with friends.

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I am  lucky enough to post this first ever trailer on my site, along with 532 other bloggers today July 2! In this movie Vince Vaughn finds out he has fathered 533 children from donations he made and a mix-up at a local fertility clinic. What he does with this information will warm your heart and you will see just how much of a ‘feel good’ movie this truly is.

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In this day and age family comes in many shapes and sizes. I grew up in the traditional Dad, Mom, siblings home. I say traditional because back when I was younger that seemed to be what most families consisted of. I am very close to my family, we actually all live within 15 minutes of one another depending on which way you drive. We normally have family dinner at least once a month, if not more. We also take all of our vehicles up every year the Sunday after Thanksgiving to each get our Christmas trees to McDonald’s tree farm. Family means a lot to me, and in this movie I think you will see what it also means to Vince Vaughn’s character.
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Here is the debut trailer for Delivery Man! You will want to make sure you watch it and I know you will be looking forward to this movie as much as me!


Rated PG-13 for mature themes.

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DELIVERY MAN releases in theaters on November 22nd!
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