4 Marriage Proposal Tips for an Unforgettable Moment


Youโ€™ve met the person you want to share your life with forever, and it’s time to make that all-important marriage proposal. Itโ€™s a moment youโ€™re both going to look back on for years to come, and making that memory a truly beautiful one is top of your agenda. Feeling nervous? Not sure how to pop the question? Use these tips to make your marriage proposal the most romantic thing youโ€™ve ever done. 

1. Get the Ring

The first thing you need for your proposal is the all-important diamond engagement ring. Kimberfireโ€™s diamond engagement ring options have you covered, but how can you be sure of a ring that fits her finger perfectly? There are tons of sneaky ways to discover her ring size. These range from secret conversations with her mom, a sister, or a best female friend, to playfully wrapping something around her finger and getting the measurement that way. Alternatively, take your chances. The main point is having a ring to offer. The size can always be adjusted later on. If you choose this option, pick a ring with no stones set in the band – it will make sizing more difficult.

2. Set the Scene

In setting the scene, think about your intended spouseโ€™s personality and the things she likes to do. If she loves formal occasions, a romantic dinner at a smart establishment that offers tables with some privacy for your special moment may be the thing. If sheโ€™s always dreamed of a helicopter ride, taking the knee after an exciting helicopter flip may be more in tune with what will delight her. Can you remember where you shared your first kiss? That could be ideal! Looking for something even more special? Low on cash or want absolute privacy? If you do it right, even takeout can be romantic!

As a matter of opinion – this oneโ€™s up to you – avoid public proposals or proposing in the company of family and friends. You want a wholehearted โ€œYesโ€ not one she feels pressured to give. Besides, itโ€™s difficult for either of you to give your romantic leanings full reign when youโ€™re being watched by a bunch of other people, even if they are close friends or family. 

3. Donโ€™t Rush It

By all means, let her know that youโ€™re taking her out on a very special date. Even if youโ€™d like to surprise her with your choice of venue, she will want to know the dress code to follow. Once youโ€™re there, you might feel tempted to plunge right in and propose at the first appropriate-looking opportunity, but remember that your proposal is the happy ending to begin your lifetime full of happily ever afters. 

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Take a little time to set the mood for romance. Make sure that she feels special, loved, and admired. Choose a distraction-free moment when it’s just you and her and a magical scene. Now take the plunge!

4. The Proposal

There are many creative ways to present a ring, but I often wonder about the things that could go wrong with them. What if she doesnโ€™t notice the ring in the champagne glass, for example? Will you need to use the Heimlich maneuver to retrieve it? In my personal opinion, traditional is best. Pop the question and present the ring. What could be better or more romantic than that? Will she agree to be your wife? Thatโ€™s up to her, but if you know your lady as well as you should in order to make her your bride, chances are you already know the answer!

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