7 Ways To Keep Your Garden In Ideal Condition This Summer

With Spring in full swing, growth in the garden is easy and bountiful, thanks to the warming temperatures and moisture in the ground. Heading into summer, the garden can begin to look parched and patchy as conditions change, which isn’t ideal for keeping it a beautiful outdoor living area.

Plant For The Conditions

When choosing plants to put in your garden, one of the main things to consider is, are they suitable for the conditions? Plants that are not well suited to the conditions they’re planted into will not grow well, if at all, which creates a sad-looking garden space.

If there’s a plant you’re especially set on having, try to use other plants and features to create a micro-climate for it. For example, shrubs and potted bamboo can create a cool, shady corner if your garden is a bright suntrap.

Drip Irrigation

Getting enough water to plants can be problematic in the summer, which is where drip irrigation comes into its own. Designed to be used in outdoor garden beds and greenhouses, choose the rate of water getting to your plants for optimum irrigation.

Avoid damage to the system by installing an adjustable water pressure regulator for drip irrigation, thus avoiding unnecessary wear and tear. A timer allows you to control when and for how long the system is on each day, keeping plant growth at peak performance.

Go Low Maintenance

Should you love the idea of enjoying your outdoor spaces through the summer but don’t have the time or inclination to put in a lot of effort, create a low-maintenance garden instead. Invest in the design of the garden space so that once any work has been done, it won’t need redoing if things aren’t right.

Keep the look of a green grass lawn with high-quality artificial grass while saying goodbye to regular mowing and unsightly dead patches. Plenty of plants are delighted with minimal intervention once they’re in the ground, so keep these in mind when choosing what to plant.

Hire A Professional

Hiring a garden maintenance professional is an excellent compromise between a grassless, low-maintenance garden and putting in the hours yourself. When you hire a gardener it gives you the best of both worlds โ€“ spending your time outside relaxing while having a regularly groomed garden.

Having someone come in doesn’t mean you can’t do anything in the garden yourself, either, as they can be tasked with heavier tasks you may not be capable of for various reasons.

Pest Control

Regular pest and disease control are essential to the garden’s health at any time of year, but especially in the summertime. Some pests are dormant or less active in the colder months and naturally cause minor damage.

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As the temperatures warm up and pest activity picks up, you can find your garden quickly overwhelmed if they aren’t kept on top of it. Keeping up with regular pest control year-round will suppress the worst of any damage and allow you to quickly identify and deal with any issues.


Plants require a lot of nutrients during active growth phases, so it’s essential to ensure your garden plants have adequate access to nutrients. Laying down mulch is an excellent way to do this as it slowly rots down and releases necessary nutrients in a controlled manner to the earth below.

Mulch has the bonus of retaining moisture in the dirt and suppressing weed growth. Depending on what is readily available and suits your aesthetic best, various materials can be used as mulch.

Keep It Clean

When using the garden as another living space, it’s essential to treat it like your indoor living area. Therefore, make sure it’s kept clean and tidy to keep it in top condition. Sweep patio areas and clean up any spills to avoid staining, while fallen leaves and flowers can be used as mulch or put into the compost rather than left to damage grassy areas. Nature is messy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some control over your living spaces, even if it’s outside.

There are options to suit every person to keep your garden in top summer condition. So, this summer, say goodbye to wilting flowers and browning lawns by installing irrigation, mulching, and planting the right plants. Or dig up the yard and put down artificial grass.

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