Zim’s Naturally Based Products Review

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Zim’s Naturally Based Products Review

I recently had the opportunity to review Zim’s Arnica Max as well as Zim’s Advanced Gel with Acemannan and Arnica. I had my husband participate in the review process as he has been having pain in the bottom of his foot. This was a great time to try Zim’s Arnica Max!

Zim’s Arnica Max is easy to apply, and does not have an overpowering smell. It has relieved the majority of the pain in his left heel. My husband has applied it at night when his foot is resting, to help aleviate the pain.

  • Zim’s Arnica Max is specially formulated with Arnica for the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints.  These are normally associated with simple backaches, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains.
  • Zim’s Advanced Gel with Acemannan and Arnica is used as a protectant for minor cuts, scrapes, abrasions and burns. This product contains Acemannan, nature’s purest form of Aloe Vera.

Who Will Benefit from this Product Line?

This product line is ideal for people who are looking for natural products for a healthy alternative.  Men and womaen who are seeking a higher quality of life will enjoy the benefits of this product, as well as individuals in need of temporary pain relief.

Who is the Zim’s Product Line mainly used by?

This product line is mainly used by women and men, primarily women, ages 25-54. Baby Boomers ages 46-64, both men and women. People who overwork their bodies on the weekends, (sports enthusiast, or the person that overdoes on the yard work or activities they do not normally do during the week.)

Where can you find the Zim’s Product Line to Purchase?

  • Walmart
  • Albertson’s
  • Walgreens
  • SuperValu Corp
  • Kroger’s
  • CVS
  • Harris Teeter
  • K-Mart
  • Raley’s
  • Target
  • Rite Aid
  • Kinney Drugs
  • Food Lion
  • Navarro

You can visit Zim’s USA to view all of the products they carry, as they are not limited to the two items I posted here.

Follow Zim’s Facebook Page: Zim’s Fan Page
Follow Zim’s on Twitter : @ZimsUSA

See Also
Partners DecoratorAdvice.com

If you would like to enter to win the 2 products that I reviewed:

  • Zim’s Arnica Max
  • Zim’s Advanced Gel with Acemannan and Arnica


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