Common Reasons You Have Increased Water Bill Charges

Although water is an essential resource, its cost can sometimes be a problem. This is especially true if you receive a high water bill. The unexpected expense impacts the family’s budget and raises suspicions about how much water you use at home.

Reasons You Have High Water Bills

Although many factors can lead to an increase in your water bill charges, most of them have to do with your plumbing system. Below are some common examples.

 1. Leaky Faucets

Leaky faucet fixtures are a common cause of high water bills. A faulty rubber washer in the handle is often the reason for this. This should be easy to fix by yourself, but professional plumbers are recommended for the best results.

 2. Running Toilets

Toilets account for about 31 percent of indoor water use in America. A single leak can result in at least 6,000 gallons of water wasted per day.

A defective flapper in the tank is often the reason for running toilets. Water makes them brittle, leading to poor sealing.

3. Leaky Washing Machines

Sometimes, it takes work to determine if your washing machine is leaking from one corner of your home. To confirm a leak, check the floor around your washer. If you see a noticeable stain, there is likely a leak that you should fix right away.

4. Lateral Line Leaks

According to a plumbing Colorado Springs expert, cracks in underground water pipes to your home via your metered connection cause underground leaks. These can manifest in many ways, like rust-colored water from your faucet. Another is a sinkhole that could slowly develop in one area of your yard. This should be apparent if you have an area that is unusually damp or mushy if you compare this to the surrounding area.

5. Outdated Toilet Fixtures

These are usually found in old houses that have old plumbing fixtures. If you’re interested in purchasing one, you should do a physical assessment first. Check if the fixtures, such as toilets and showerheads, have been replaced or if their original designs were preserved.

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You should consider replacing them with modern fixtures such as faucet aerators and low-flow toilets if it’s the latter. This will spare you future repair problems and high water bills if you decide to buy the house.

6. Irrigation Leakage

While most leaks occur inside the house, this does not mean that your outdoor pipes are immune from damage. A good example is an irrigation system usually installed in urban settings for landscaping purposes. This can get damaged over time and cause water to leak.

If your lawn has wet patches or strangely greener areas than the others, it’s a sign that your irrigation system is leaking. You’ll need to call a professional plumber to locate the source of the leak and repair the damaged irrigation line.

7. Leaky Water Heater

Check your water heaters regularly to see if there are problems. However, don’t limit your inspection to the unit; you should also check the surrounding floor for any pooling water.

Other indicators that may indicate a leaking heater include a loud rumbling sound and a heating time that takes longer than usual to complete.

See Also

8. Faulty Water Softener

Water softener systems have mechanisms that automatically perform periodic self-washing with fresh water. However, the backwash valve may sometimes malfunction and remain open after washing. This causes water to continue flowing into the sewer, resulting in wastage and, consequently, an increase in your monthly water consumption. Check the system settings to see if there are any adjustments you can make. If not, you should call a professional to fix the problem.

9. Broken Water Meter

Although water meter misreading is not common, they do occur now and then. Contact your water company if you suspect your high water bill is due to issues with your meter.

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10. Seasonal Charges

The changing seasons may increase your monthly water bills. This is evident during summer, when people take frequent baths, water their gardens, and fill their pools with water.

These activities all involve water usage, and they can lead to an increase in your monthly bills. The good news is that this is a temporary problem and can be easily resolved by making better use of your water supply.

Key Takeaway

A defective plumbing system can lead to leaks and translate to higher water bills. This is especially true if a small leak is left unattended. In time, the leak can grow, raising your water charges and leading to more serious problems like a burst pipe.

It should be clear that water bills are more than just a presentation of how much water your household consumes in a given period. They could also indicate developing problems in your plumbing. This is something that you need to identify and resolve immediately.

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