An Ultimate Guide For Those Who Like Houseplants

Gardening has become quite popular again, and that is quite welcoming. It is very important to preserve nature which keeps getting chopped down by big corporations. Now, gardening is easier than ever, and everyone can have a plant in their home. You do not need a large garden to enjoy this hobby; even just one houseplant is quite the experience. However, many people get lost along the way, and it sometimes seems pretty hard to keep a houseplant.

Fear not, for this ultimate guide will serve you and your houseplants quite well. Now, there is so much information on the internet, and it can be quite hard to keep up with all of the different sources regarding houseplants. It is quite easy to get lost in all of this and end up hurting your houseplant, but not with this ultimate guide. We will explore this beautiful world of houseplants and give many tips along the way.

A Lot of Different Plants

Everyone knows that there are many different plants out there, but how many people are aware of this number? Around 320 thousand would be the current estimate, with new plant species still being discovered. From a common spider plant all the way to expensive Monstera houseplants, there is something for everyone. Each species has its own pros and cons and the reason why it costs so much.

There are a lot of guides out there on different houseplants, and it is important to give them a read. Taking care of different houseplants is all about being informed the right way and not just following your gut instinct. Plants are very different from animals, and there is a reason why they require different land and different watering routines. Think about them as pets, is having a hamster the same as having a dog?

Choosing the Right One

Choosing the right houseplant is determined by only two things, your taste for the plant and your living conditions. You should not follow any guru telling you which plant is pretty and which one isnโ€™t; that is up to you completely to decide. However, when you see a plant that piques your interest, that does not mean the chase is over. It is very important to know if you can provide the right conditions for your plant so it can thrive.

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Think about them the same way as treating a pet. Would it be ok to have a large dog inside a small apartment with no yard? An obvious example would be like having a tree in your living room; it does not work for anyone. However, it is also important to consider smaller plants. Just because a plant is small and fits physically in your apartment, it does not mean it can handle it. You need to think about sunlight exposure, moisture, and other effects, such as cigarette smoke.

Taking Care

Once you buy a plant that you like and can live in your home, that is where the real job starts. Now, it is time to take care of the houseplant and make sure it thrives the way it is supposed to. First, if you have trouble remembering the watering schedule, you should write it down and print it. Then, make an alarm that will remind you when it is time to water the plant so you do not need to think about it.

If the plant requires decent sunlight exposure, do not forget to put it by the window that is exposed to the sun. If you require special fertilizer, also make a schedule for when you should use it. Before buying a plant, make sure you have a pot with the right type of land in it. If you do not know how to put a plant inside a new pot, ask someone to do it and learn it from them. It is very important to learn from people that know this instead of experimenting with these basics.

Growing Your Garden

As you start taking care of the plant and see it looks good, you will probably want more. However, this upscaling means that you will need to look out for more plants which means more time and more specifics. It is very important to learn from your current experience and translate the knowledge to your new green guests.

However, you should still be wary of your capabilities to take care of a greater number of plants. This is why many people opt for having a lot of cacti and succulents because they are easy to take care of. However, it is not the same when you are trying to take care of many different species of flowers, for example.

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Health Benefits

There are many health benefits to keeping houseplants in your home and the office, just not in your sleeping area. During the night, plants also use oxygen from the air and thus can deplete your room of oxygen. However, in other rooms, keeping houseplants is quite beneficial, especially in an office.

Just make sure that no one is allergic to the pollen of the plant, and you are good to go. Health benefits include fresh and clean air, which is quite hard to come by in urban areas. Besides physical health, being surrounded by plants is also quite liberating for the mind. Humans were made to be in contact with nature, and our brains love being surrounded by plants.


This ultimate guide is here to cover all of the essentials and details that are integral for keeping a houseplant. These tips and points were chosen because a lot of people tend to miss them and keep their focus on other things regarding houseplants. However, with this ultimate guide, you will be able to have a different outlook on all the different houseplants.

Talking about every houseplant individually would take quite a lot of time, and there are better encyclopedias for that. With this guide, you are developing a certain way of thinking regarding plants. You are able to assess plants in a manner that is much better than devouring raw information. And that is what brains are made for, thinking about different things and not storing raw data.

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