Why Add Water Plants to Your Home? Best Flowering Aquarium Plants to Grow at Home

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Flowering aquarium plants can paint an extremely exotic picture while bringing an array of advantages to aquatic life by detoxifying and aerating water. 

Today we are going to take a look at some of the best flowering aquarium plants for your home aquarium. The first thought which comes to our mind while discussing flowering aquatic plants is their aesthetically pleasing nature. However, they tag along a variety of other benefits which can help improve the overall health of aquatic plants. 

These plants can guarantee a healthy habitat for fishes by providing a constant source of food and absorbing the excess nutrients which might otherwise turn detrimental. 

Read on to know the best flowering aquatic plants which you can bring home today. 


This natural inhabitant of Africa has gained popularity courtesy its hardy nature which is resistant to most forms of damage. 

Anubias plants render excellent results when you have goldfish in the aquarium. However, they might burn on being exposed to excessive light. 

These underwater flowering plants do not require nutrient-rich substrates or carbon dioxide and can yield wonderful flowers which cover its thick central spandex. 

Crustaceans, goldfish, cichlids and similar invertebrates find excellent hiding spots in their roots and leaves. 

Other than serving as fantastic decorative pieces, they also carry the ability of naturally repelling algae. 

Amazon Sword

This plant can abundantly be seen in the Amazon rainforest which has led to its nomenclature. 

It has sword-shaped leaves and develops beautiful white flowers on being grown above the waterline. 

For best results, you need to plant them at the centre of the tank so that the roots can spread out properly. 

This plant is extremely beneficial in removing the surplus nitrites and other nutrients from the tank while offering biofilm to the newly hatched fry. 

Tiny fishes and shrimp love this plant which offers them a cosy place to hide. 

This plant can serve as the go-to-choice for beginners as it grows very quickly.


Hornwort can serve as a versatile addition to any aquarium given its adaptive nature. 

Its needle-like leaves resemble a raccoonโ€™s tail. 

This plant can grow about 10 feet tall and has high space requirements whether you plant it in the substrate or allow it to float freely. 

The best thing about this plant is that it doesnโ€™t face any problems in hard water and even secretes cyanobacteria which can control the growth of blue-green algae.  

Giant Hygrophila

This popular variety of aquarium plants can reach up to a height of 5 inches on being grown in aquariums. 

Their bright green leaves have sharp lance-like edges. However, this plant suffers from iron deficiency and requires a steady supply of nitrogen-based fertilizers, CO2 injections and other nutrients. 

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The delicate leaves of Giant Hygrophila can beautify your aquarium while absorbing the nitrates which might be toxic for your fishes. 

Green Cadomba

This fast-growing species requires proper care as otherwise it can take the shape of a weed. 

Green Cabomba can attain a height of 11 inches and is accompanied with lovely yellowish, purplish and white flowers. 

For attaining best results, you need to inject it with necessary levels of CO2. It can either be planted in a nutrient-rich substrate or left to float freely in an aquarium. 

People love this plant given its ability to outcompete algae for nutrients while aerating the tank water. 

It can also remove harmful substances like nitrates and ammonia from water. 


While all the above-mentioned flowering plants can sustain in almost all aquariums, beginners are advised to refrain from Green Cadomba. 

Amazon Sword can serve as your best bet as it stays unaffected by the water conditions, propagates easily and doesnโ€™t rely on CO2 or fertilizers for survival. 

Anubias is another viable option provided you take care of the lighting conditions and do not burn the plant. 

Taking care of the tank conditions and adding fertilizers on a periodic basis can help these plants in flowering quickly. 

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