Can Boosting Hormonal Health Help Men Lose Weight?

Hormonal issues are generally related to females. However, they also affect men’s health in multiple ways. Testosterone is one of the major hormones in men’s bodies. It plays a significant role in maintaining their health. It is also known as the primary sex hormone. Men need to have a decent level to ensure their health is fine. Most men have low T levels that can cause fatigue, low libido, and increased body fat, thus leading to excessive weight.

As a result, many men try their hands at exercise and fail to lose weight. It is because they are unaware of the underlying causes of their weight gain. Therefore, we’re here to help you with it. This article mentions some ways to achieve hormonal balance in men. You will see how effective management of hormones can help in weight loss. What’s the wait for, then? Let’s read on!

1. Get Your Health Check Up

The first step is to get a thorough health check-up. You should meet a doctor and share your symptoms. Along with difficulty in losing weight, you should also share other symptoms such as fatigue, hair loss, change in appetite, and more. If required, the healthcare provider shall suggest a blood test. It will clarify hormonal imbalance and other issues. You will get to know the further treatment plan accordingly.

In most cases, men suffer from Low T levels that cause issues in libido and hamper the weight loss journey. If you have a similar case, your doctor might suggest testosterone replacement therapy. According to testosterone therapy experts worldwide, getting this treatment can help regulate the hormones in men’s bodies. In addition, you can also avail of it using telemedicine. This means you don’t have to visit a doctor; instead, an online consultation shall do it. According to your health reports, you may need oral medication or injections.

2. Get Quality Sleep

There has been a rise in people who sleep less than the required hours. It may be because of various factors. These can include late-night studying, working, or running a side hustle. Likewise, many people also spend their time scrolling through social media. As a result, they do not get ample sleep.

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Research from the University of Chicago shows poor sleep quality can negatively impact male T levels. In simple words, not getting the required sleep can increase your risk of having low Testosterone levels in your body. As a result, you will feel fatigued and often have an irritated mood.

Therefore, you must focus on getting a night of good sleep throughout the night. For this, you should resist using your mobile phone at least an hour before bedtime. Likewise, indulge in meditating activities that shall calm your mind and release stress. You can also invest in installing calming lights in your bedroom to promote healthy sleep. Once you improve your sleep quality, you will notice a significant change in your T levels. As they improve, you will also gradually lose the extra fat in your body.

3. Make Necessary Dietary Changes

The simple science behind losing weight is to have a balanced diet. In addition, it will also help you manage your hormone level. You can consult a nutritionist and take a diet schedule from them. They will ensure to make the plan according to your health condition.

If the leading cause of your not losing weight is hormonal imbalance, you must focus on eating food that can improve hormonal health. For instance, if you have low T levels, you might want to add the following items to your plate:

See Also

  • Leafy greens
  • Fatty fish
  • Cocoa products
  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Shellfish and more

In simple words, the more you play with the colors on your plate, the better it will be for your health. You can also get a custom diet chart made according to your preferences. For instance, if you are a vegan, you can find alternative food to ensure good health.

4. Change Your Workout Routine

Now that you know the main reason you are not losing weight, you might want to change your workout plan. You can share your report with the trainer and ask for a more personalized exercise plan. Hormonal imbalance calls for more strength training.

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In addition, you can also speak to your trainer about integrating yoga into your routine. Several asanas in yoga are directly related to improving hormonal health in men and women. After following the way for a while, you will notice a significant change in your body’s functioning. In addition, working out releases endorphins in the body, which are responsible for enhanced mood.

Bottom Line

Now that you know how to maintain hormonal balance, we hope you can lose weight. Do not be ashamed to discuss your health condition with your doctors. They will be better able to guide you through the process of healthy body weight and hormonal balance.

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