CBD and Parkinson’s Disease: The Treatment With Drugs

CBD and Parkinson's disease: the treatment with drugs

Marijuana eases the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

Employees of Tel Aviv University together with scientists from the Israeli Yitzhak Rabin Medical Center, during an examination of patients with Parkinson’s disease, found that breathing in marijuana vapors helps to relieve the symptoms of the disease. They published their research results in an online version of a European medical journal specializing in the study of pain and anesthesia.

Cannabis smoke brings relief

In the course of the study, scientists evaluated the effect of cannabis and CND on the motor activity and severity of pain in people that are suffered from Parkinson’s. The researchers found that in thirty minutes after inhalation of the smoke of cannabis, there was observed an improvement in the patients. The authors of the study reported that marijuana helps to increase motor activity and to eliminate the pain for Parkinson’s patients.

During previous studies, Israeli scientists valued the impact of cannabis on the condition of patients with Parkinson’s: they have reported about the limb tremor was decreased, as well as muscle stiffness and bradykinesia manifested by the slowness of movements, were eliminated. Also, patients started to have more quality of sleep, and their pain was reduced.

Today in Israel, more than 20,000 patients with Parkinson’s receive cannabis for medicinal purposes, and about 90% of patients report about the disappearance or reduction of pain, as well as a significant improvement in the quality of life due to the systematic use of medical sorts of marijuana.

By the way, not only Israeli doctors believe that CBD is an effective treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Scientists from the University of Dublin are also confident that cannabis can provide significant assistance in the treatment for diseases that are accompanied by degenerative processes in the brain.

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CBD will stop the age-related degradation of the brain

Scientists from Dublin found that marijuana is a powerful weapon to fight against senile changes in the human brain. With age, the brain becomes more susceptible to the development of degenerative processes of the Parkinson’s. Even the most talented doctors still cannot stop this process. Scientists from Dublin believe that the key to treating Parkinson’s disease is hidden in the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoids are produced in our body, and they affect the same receptors as cannabis. This gives to us hope to create an effective medicine for this disease.

The researchers confirmed that the endocannabinoid system is a kind of target in the treatment of neurodegeneration since it is in this system a number of changes are observed such as the characteristic of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s disease. With the cannabis market grows and the medical benefits stacking up, companies like Eco Equity are helping to cultivate the cannabis and provide it for medical use.ย  Scientists note that the potential in the treatment of Parkinsonโ€™s disease with cannabinoids has already been proven repeatedly and confirmed in a wide variety of different studies.

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