The Chihuahua: A Tiny Lap Dog With a Huge Personality


This small, spunky dog breed is famous for coining the phrase Yo Quiero Taco Bell. Who doesn’t remember the commercials in which the Chihuahua expressed his love for Taco Bell food? Tiny and energetic, the Chihuahua typically weighs between 2-6 lbs and is 6 inches to 9 inches in height. They are one of the longest living dog breeds, sometimes living up to 20 years.

About the Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is recognized by the AKC. Any color including solid, splashed and marked are acceptable coat colors. The Chihuahua has two coat types. One is smooth, short, close and glossy. The other is long, soft, flat and slightly curly with an undercoat. Contrary to what you would expect, the short coated dogs shed more than those with long hair. The short and long haired dogs are actually the same breed so you will often find both short and long haired puppies in the same litter. Short haired Chihuahuas need an occasional brushing while long haired Chihuahuas need brushing daily.

Who are Chihuahuas Perfect For

Born to be a family companion, the Chihuahua needs lots of attention and family time. They are very energetic and need plenty of play time. Since they are active indoors, they make good apartment dogs, but they do enjoy an occasional walk outside. They love to be spoiled and will encourage you to spoil them. Many owners find themselves buying puppy clothes for their spoiled Chihuahuas. Chihuahuas work best when they are the only pet in the household.

Chihuahua Traits

They can be aggressive with other dogs and pets, even those that outweigh them by 100 pounds. If you have other pets in the household, they should be socialized with them from puppyhood. Homes with small children or children that are not well behaved are not ideal homes for Chihuahuas as they can be quick to snap if they are being picked on. They make great watchdogs as they will let you know if they hear an unfamiliar noise or see a stranger. They have a tendency to be wary of strangers. You need to be aware that sometimes the Molera or soft spot on their head does not close until they are older and sometimes they never close at all. Be careful to avoid injury.

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Where Did the Chihuahua Originate

Mexico is considered to be the Chihuahua’s country of origin. Many sources believe that they have Asian ancestry as well. Their name is pronounced chi-WAH-wah. They have always been known as companion dogs.

Small, energetic and affectionate, the Chihuahua is a loyal family pet. They will be like your shadow when you are at home and are happiest when they have someone home with them most of the time. They also like to travel with their families. Light on the wallet as they eat little and are a fairly healthy breed, the Chihuahua is an excellent choice for families willing to let them have the spotlight and attention that they need.

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