Choosing a Foundation to Donate To: Here’s What You Should Know

Choosing a Foundation to Donate To: Here’s What You Should Know

Donating to charity is one of the best things to do. It’s merely helping others without expecting anything in return. You may think there are no complexities in it, but there is. There are thousands of causes one can support, and it can be challenging to choose to donate. In the United States, there is even 1.5 million registered tax-exempt organisations. Considerations on which beneficiaries need it more come into play. You may also have your advocacies and want to support them, but you feel like another foundation need it more. More so, there have been cases where charities or foundations were saddeningly scams. The “organisers and volunteers” actually used the money for luxury cruise trips and such.

Although this is so, you’ll still surely be able to find the perfect foundation you’ll be confident and happy to support such as foundations that feed hungry children. To help you with it, here is a guide in choosing a foundation.

Reflect on yourself

What are you most passionate about? What are your values and interests? What causes have you been supporting strongly for the last year, and what issues do you feel need utmost attention? If your hobby is music, you’ll probably want to consider foundations that provide musical instruments to those who could not afford them. If you feel strongly for the kids who have nothing to eat, you should donate to foundations that have their missions on feeding these children.

Evaluate charities

Suppose a situation arises that may urgently need donations. In that case, people tend to create many organisations, and you’ll have individuals starting up donation drives. Although it’s commendable that you want to donate during trying times for others, it would be best to stick with foundations that you are familiar with or have been supporting that is also taking action on the present matter. However, suppose none of the previous foundations you’ve donated to has fundraisers for such calamities. In that case, you’ll have to choose from the new ones.

Local or global?

Do you want to make an impact globally or locally? Some people prefer local ones as they feel money is more needed in smaller organisations. These foundations cannot market their cause globally. However, global foundations may also need cash since most of them cater to beneficiaries’ broader scope. More so, a small gift or amount can go a long way in helping impoverished communities. We can only imagine how extreme there poverty is. Although we may be compelled to donate locally, it’s also a good thing to consider countries that are hit hardest by poverty, illnesses, wars, and such.

Learn more about them

It’s not enough that you know their cause; you should also understand how they utilise their funds. IT’s best to donate to foundations that apply research-based strategies. Some charities even make an effort to send an update or report on people who have contributed. More so, review who their recommenders are. Credible recommenders would not advertise for charities without doing any research on them.

See Also

You can also send money directly to the marginalised people in poor communities such as GiveDirectly. 

There are many ways to give back, with many opportunities right before us. Donating is only one of the many ways to help, but a simple donation can help ease their hunger, pain, and sadness for beneficiaries. With kindness, they are also given hope.

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