How to Choose Phones for Seniors

How to Choose Phones for Seniors

Today mobile phones offer vital communications capabilities to help people contact essential goods and services. Seniors in particular benefit from the security and the safety this technology provides. Yet selecting a suitable phone for an older person requires care. Consider some of these issues when you purchase mobile technology for anyone in 60+ age demographic.

Ease of Use

Many seniors experience difficulty relating to computerized devices. Unlike the Millennial generation, they did not grow up in an era of Internet connectivity and digital automation. Consequently, they may experience a steep learning curve when using some types of mobile devices– especially mobile phones.

Most experts recommend providing older consumers with a simple, intuitive, easily utilized interface. You may prefer a phone with a multitude of functions and hidden features, but the odds remain excellent an intricate display will confuse (or even frustrate) a senior loved one. Instead, opt for a relatively plain display.


Companies such as Opel Mobile which manufacture lines of mobile phones specifically for seniors also appreciate the value of optimizing visibility. Remember, older phone users sometimes experience difficulty employing technology due to poor eyesight and a deterioration in hand-eye coordination. Some have suffered strokes or other medical conditions which result in hand tremors. They may encounter challenges hitting very tiny keys accurately.

Therefore, it usually makes sense to furnish geriatric users with a cell phone displaying large, clearly marked keys and functions. Try and find one with hearing aid compatibility. This type of interface increases the likelihood an owner will learn to use the device. As an older person gains confidence using the phone, they may become more comfortable with touch-activated technologies.

Include Emergency Functions

An ideal mobile phone for a senior will also include at least some level of automated emergency services access. An “SOS” button sometimes supplies lifesaving assistance when a phone user suffers an accidental fall or a health problem. As members of an aging population, elderly people often appreciate this type of convenience.

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Try and locate a device with built-in SOS button features. This technology allows a person requiring assistance to summon health quickly, without having to take time to look up an emergency phone number. You may someday feel thankful you have given a senior loved one a phone which included this helpful feature.

Emphasize Durability

Finally, in choosing a cell phone for an older person, the durability of the device may prove important. Even young people sometimes misplace or drop mobile devices. Imagine the challenges faced by a senior using fragile technology?

As a general rule, you’ll discover that a robust design and construction process enhances the utility of this device over the long term. It usually makes sense to pay a bit more for a well-built phone for a senior if necessary. Don’t economize by opting for a poorly constructed, easily breakable model: you’ll find many seniors won’t feel comfortable using delicate mobile phones extensively. Selecting a larger, well-designed model helps ensure utility.

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