Cloud VS Multi-Cloud: Pros and Cons


Does cloud computing or multi-cloud computing best suit your business needs? This article helps you explore the differences.

Digitalization has created an online, virtual business front that requires equally as much of a business owner’s attention as the physical shop does. While this doubles the workload for every small business owner out there, it also levels the playing field in terms of opportunity. There can be no doubt that computing technology is advancing our progress on a commercial level. The cloud is a huge part of that, and now multi-cloud workloads are, too. Could either answer benefit your business? You bet. Here is a review of Cloud Vs Multi-Cloud processes and what they might mean to your SME.

What is the Cloud?

The cloud is an umbrella term at its core. IT is a single word we can use to describe the far-off servers, storage, processing power, data, applications, and more, that we access on our phones and laptops every day. The business definition is simple: the cloud refers to any information sent to or brought from the internet. When you send an email, it goes to the cloud; when you stream a video, you interact with the cloud.

Here are business examples to help your understanding.

See Also

Examples of Cloud Use:

  • Using Microsoft Azure is interacting with the cloud for business. Azure is a platform containing many business services through multiple applications.
  • Amazon Web Services offer good cloud-based business tools. The platform contains many programs, each of which has a specific function to help your workday run smoother.

Pros of the Cloud:

  • Cloud services are scalable to the size of your business.
  • Flexible because they will grow or shrink as your business does.
  • Offer a cost-efficient way of storing data.

Cons of the Cloud:

  • You still need to provide your own cyber security measures.

What is the Multi-Cloud?

Multi-Cloud Management is when you choose more than one cloud provider to fulfill the needs of your business. Using combinations of the three cloud platforms mentioned above, you can avoid that single service failing you on presentation day by always having an available backup. Overseeing projects in this was called Multi-Cloud Management. What is Multi-Cloud Management (MCM)? A platform that lets you easily oversee all your other software and cloud services from a single space.

2 Examples of Multi-Cloud Use:

  • You have Amazon services and Azure services, so your IT department combines access to projects on both services through one virtual doorway.
  • Run AWS through a third program, such as VMware Cloud, to use a complimentary toolset, each accounting for the other’s shortfalls.

Pros of Using the Multi-Cloud:

  • Your business won’t stop due to a software bottleneck.
  • Greater access to tools.
  • You can pick and choose software and applications from more than one provider.

Cons of Using the Multi-Cloud:

  • You might lose track of what goes where.
  • You need the MCM software if you want to make the most of multi-cloud for business.

What Works Fine for Your Business?

Your business likely already relies on cloud services more often than you might think. If you use Gmail, you are already sending data offsite to store and process. MCM allows greater choices, a double layer of security, and a wider array of tools. If you can manage that, it works harder for you than simple cloud tech.

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