e-Murderer Book Review

e-murderer by Joan Curtis

e-murderer by Joan Curtise-Murderer is a page turner to say the least.

Joan Curtis has come out with yet another awesome mystery/suspense novel. I really enjoyed “The Clock Strikes Midnight”, and “e-Murderer” was not a disappointment.

When Jenna Scali gets her first ‘e-murder’ type email she can’t figure out if it is spam or an actual email meant to go to her.  She works in a psychiatrist’s office part-time as well as attending classes at the local college.  The problem arises when a dead co-ed surfaces two blocks from her home the same day as she receives this first oddly eerie email.  She starts to wonder if this is coincidence or if it was really meant for her to get because the email and the murder have a lot of similar details.

This novel keeps you turning the pages until the end with a few twists and turns, more deaths as well as more emails.  It starts to prove obvious that this murderer is making their way to Jenna.  It is just a matter of time to see which comes first; more murders by a psychotic killer or the killer being caught before more die.

With a couple of best friends, a friendly officer who wants to help, as well as a murders that keep happening, you will hang on to the very end.

I enjoyed this book very much as it kept me wanting to read on to see what was next.  I enjoyed Jenna’s strong character.  I also enjoyed how the author kept you guessing until the very end.  I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a great mystery, and ongoing suspense.

About the author:
Joan Curtis
Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 6 books and numerous stories.  Readers compare her to the great Southern writer, Fanny Flagg. “She writes characters and a story that will stay with you.”

Her debut mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, won the silver medal for fiction/suspense in the Global eBook Awards for 2015 and is a finalist for the Royal Palm Literary Award. The e-Murderer won first place in the Malice Domestic Grants competition for new writers.

Joan Curtis - RPLA_Finalist_Badge

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Joan has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember.  She reads all kinds of books, including women’s fiction, mysteries, biography, and nonfiction.  Mystery/suspense with a psychological twist is exactly the kind of book Joan loves to read.

“I write about characters who remind me of myself at times and my sister at times, but never fully so. My stories are told from a woman’s point of view with a destiny. Characters drive my writing and my reading.”

Having grown up in the South with a mother from Westchester County New York, Joan has a unique take on blending the Southern traditions with the eye of a Northerner.  She spent most of her childhood in North Carolina and now resides in Athens, Georgia.

Author websiteAuthor’s blog |Facebook Author page   | Twitter page: @joancurtis 

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