Excessive Mood Swings- Here’s How Menopause Is Responsible?

For many women, menopause or perimenopause is just another part of the aging process in their late 40s. But for many others, it’s no less than an emotional roller coaster. 

In simple words, menopause marks the end of a woman’s childbearing age. During menopause, women go through some pretty intense changes. They may start experiencing hot flashes, sleepless nights, and worse of all, unpredictable moods. 

A recent study indicates that around 23% of women go through excessive mood swings during or after menopause. In fact, mood swings are pretty common for women who have either had their uterus removed or take hormonal pills. 

But how can you tell you are dealing with excessive mood swings? Well, we have an answer for that too. The symptoms of extreme mood swings include getting irritated, anxious, depressed, or angry without any good reason. 

Now the burning question is, how is menopause responsible for your excessive mood swings? Read on to find more about it. 

  • Fluctuating hormones

You should know that it’s your hormones that help you feel sad, happy, angry, anxious, affectionate, and euphoric. But during menopause, your hormones are playing their own game inside you. In this phase, your estrogen levels drop, which ends up causing wide-ranging transitions throughout your body. Now that gives rise to anxiety, fatigue, and stress. You might even start forgetting things or have trouble concentrating on stuff. 

In fact, you often feel depressed because the body is finding it pretty tough to manage serotonin and norepinephrine. These two hormones have a direct connection to depression. Changes and shifts in hormones magnify all the negative feelings in your system, affecting your mood. 

Now in order to prevent the elevation of negative feelings, you need to look for things that make you happy. You can even consider learning more about menopause relief and dietary supplements that can help you feel and look better both inside and outside. Try to channel your negative emotions into something creative that makes you feel good about yourself. 

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  • Disrupted sleep 

According to medical experts, the way you sleep determines how you will be feeling after waking up. It is as simple as that. Unfortunately, it is really tough for many women to find a good night’s sleep during their menopausal phase. Again your hormones are responsible for this. 

If you are one of those who experience hot flashes or night sweats while sleeping, then you know how tough it is to have a sound sleeping pattern. Believe it or not, many women have even reported the fact that they often wake up completely drenched in sweat. Not only this, but you might wake up in a panicked state or anxious right after waking up. 

Now it is pretty tough to stay happy and bubbly when you can’t sleep properly. So, try to practice meditation and mindfulness to calm your nerves down. It’ll also help clear stuff from your mind, making you feel relaxed and calm while sleeping. Once your head is clear, you’ll be able to sleep much better. 

Final Words

Yes, it is definitely not easy for your body and mind to cope with the aging process. And for women, things get pretty complicated when hormones are involved. So, if you are in your menopausal age and experiencing excessive mood swings, you know why it is happening and how to control that emotional roller coaster. 

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