Factors You Need To Know About Acne Scars & Laser Treatments

If you’re currently struggling with acne scars on your face, you’re not alone. Acne happens to everyone, and not everyone knows how to deal with it. As this happens, scars tend to get left behind when the acne starts to heal. You should be expecting something good when something heals, right? But not with acne. 

Yes, acne scars can be frustrating to deal with, but there are ways you can get acne scar removal treated- laser treatments, for example. Acne scars can easily get treated with laser treatments, and you can even ask your dermatologist why this is so. This informative blog post will talk about the various types of acne scars and medical laser repair you can avail of to treat those unwanted skin blemishes.

How do acne scars form?

An inflamed lesion, pimple, or cyst causes these stubborn scars. Excess dirt, dead skin, and oil clog pores, creating an ideal environment for acne-causing bacteria to thrive. The infected pore will swell and rupture the follicular walls, destroying healthy skin tissues in the process. This then will cause your body to produce raised areas on its own. When there is tissue loss during the healing process, acne scars can cause depression in the skin.

Cysts or nodules are more likely to cause long-term scarring because it affects the skin’s deeper layers. Acne scars can develop for a variety of reasons, including genetics, failure to treat acne promptly, and popping the pimple, which causes more skin trauma.

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Acne Scars: Types

There are two categories of acne scars that each have their own type of acne scar. These two categories are atrophic and hypertrophic scars. Scars that you can get from the said categories include the following: 

Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are pitted like icepick scars, but they are broader, shallower, and have sharp edges. Inflammatory acne scars, also known as boxcar scars, are common on the temples and cheeks. They’re difficult to treat because they have steeper edges and are more distinct from the surrounding skin.

Icepick Scars

These are scars that are depressed and usually narrow but deep. This occurs when the skin loses collagen, causing the overlying skin to collapse and leave a hole on the surface. The name is derived from the appearance of the skin being pierced by an ice pick. They’re caused by cystic acne, the most severe type of acne that’s deep and painful.

Rolling Scars

The skin gets a wavy texture due to rolling scars. The scars may appear shallow. Long-term inflammatory acne causes rolling scars. They can become more severe as you age and your skin loses its natural elasticity.

Are Laser Treatments Effective?

Acne scars have textural changes as well as discolouration, which can both be treated with laser treatments. The laser’s intense light penetrates the skin one layer at a time. Collagen production and cell regeneration are boosted as a result. Consider it a form of resurfacing for damaged skin as the treatment is carried out from beneath the skin.

Laser treatments can help reduce redness by focusing on blood vessels. It not only helps to heal pigmentation and scars but also aids in the elimination of active breakouts. Lasers have the ability to kill bacteria that cause recurrent breakouts and inflammation. Acne scar removal can be accomplished with a variety of laser treatments.

Laser Treatments for Acne Scars: Types

Ablative laser and non-ablative laser treatments are the two types of laser treatments available. Ablative lasers are a procedure that removes and destroys unwanted collagen from the skin’s outer layers. It works by removing thin layers of skin from the body. 

While non-ablative lasers aid in blending acne scars by heating the skin and stimulating collagen production in deeper layers. Instead of removing scar tissue, it encourages connective tissue remodelling to improve skin conditions.

Here are some of the laser treatments that fall under the said categories:

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Acne scars can be effectively treated with radiofrequency and micro-needling, two well-known treatment technologies. INFINI makes use of both technologies, making it even more effective. The radiofrequency energy is delivered with the use of insulated microneedles that penetrate to a depth of 0.5mm to 3.5mm into the skin. Collagen remodelling is aided as a result, and scar tissues are improved.

Despite the use of microneedles, INFINI requires less downtime than other treatments. The skin’s surface is not damaged by the insulated needle through which radiofrequency waves pass. Deep scars, such as icepick scars and rolling scars, respond well to this treatment. 

Intense Pulsed Light or IPL

IPL isn’t just for acne scars; it can also be used to treat acne breakouts. Acne-causing bacteria are killed, and inflammation is treated, thanks to the light produced. IPL reduces the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands, which means less acne. The skin can also shed properly, reducing the chances of glands becoming clogged with oils, bacteria, and other toxins, which can lead to acne. After 3-5 IPL sessions, patients can expect to see results. Following the acne scar treatment procedure, there may be some redness, but it will only last a few minutes.

Fractional PicoPlus Laser 

This laser treatment encourages scar remodelling by delivering heat into the affected area with precision. It employs a range of microbeam densities and sizes to suit the patient’s needs. Ultra-short light pulses are delivered layer by layer deep into the skin to create micro-cavities in the targeted area. This activates the body’s natural healing process, causing collagen and elastin to be produced. These fibres are the foundation of a youthful, healthy complexion.

Do Laser Treatments Carry Risks?

Laser treatments for acne scars are generally thought to be a safe procedure with few side effects. Ablative laser treatments, on the other hand, have more side effects than non-ablative laser treatments.

During the recovery period, temporary redness is a common side effect that will go away after a few days. The best trick to handle this is to treat your skin gently and allow it to heal on its own. Some people may experience mild swelling, which will go away in a few days. Swelling is usually treated with medications prescribed by doctors.

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