Still Enjoying Each Other After 20 Yrs |Fiera Relationship Spark


Do you still have the spark in your relationship? ย If not you may find it again with the Fiera, a Relationship Spark.

Many thanks to Fiera for sponsoring todayโ€™s story and encouraging me to find our spark again!

Back in 1995, I remarried after only dating or even knowing my husband for 7 short months. ย I had 2 little boys in my life that I wanted to make sure had a father figure in their life daily. ย Back then it wasn’t only myself I was thinking of, they were part of the ‘package deal’. ย We had a wedding as my husband had never been married before. ย We were also lucky to be able to go on a week honeymoon without the boys thanks to my parents. ย I am glad we did because since then we haven’t been away for a week alone together since.

Fiera Relationship Spark

When you are younger and have small children you have to find time for your ‘alone times’. ย Your schedule is full with work, school activities, sports, you name it. ย You are tired from the interrupted nights of sleep, but in your 20s, you find the time to be together because it is still ‘new’. It doesn’t seem hard to find the Relationship Spark. ย We used to have dates when the boys went to their Dad’s house or their grandparents. ย Normally it was take-out and a movie, or anything that included spending time together talking and laughing. ย When you get married and already have kids you have to use some imagination to keep the relationship alive. ย Then within the first year of our marriage, actually, a little over a month before our first anniversary we had our daughter. So as you have probably figured out, it didn’t leave a lot of time for us to be alone. ย Many times it seemed like my “got up and go, got up and went.”

Through the years, I have found it important to keep the spark in our marriage. ย Life will only take over every aspect of your time together if you allow it. ย I will admit though as the kids got older and each left the ‘nest’ I thought it would be easier. ย But now instead of the kid’s schedules, it has become our own schedules. My husband works two jobs and I am self-employed from home. ย We each find ourselves tired at the end of the day and have to make an effort to continue to work on our relationship. ย I am thankful and blessed to be loved unconditionally by a man like my husband. ย He makes me feel special and even after 20 years of marriage our love only grows. ย With the introduction to Fiera in our life, I see keeping it fresh for many more years to come.


About Fiera for Women

The company behind Fiera is led by women and works closely with women in the development of all products. Their target audience is women, in relationships, approximately 40-65 years of age. They are a premium brand that unlike most sexual wellness products, is truly backed by scientific studies. ย A large percentage of the people that purchase Fiera are the male partners in the relationship.

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